Active Member
Originally Posted by nwdyr
I see more abuse in the main boards , Nike shoe threads are here all the time! I , as a memeber , was not effected in a neg. way from the trade/sale section. But i am effected by the threads that are here about dicount shoes. Good luck to all , I will see allot of you on other sites

It's obvious that people like me that sold here, were not here just to sell. I have over 2,000 posts in less then a year. I don't believe the sell forum was closed to save us from scammers....sorry

It wasn't closed to save US. There were people who were competing with SWF there. Business owners etc. SWF doesn't have an issue with hobbyist to hobbyist trading/selling. As long as it doesn't effect their bottom line. I cant blame them really, but it does force us to look at other sites to do what is a inherent part of the hobby.