= bust?


Active Member

Originally Posted by nwdyr
I see more abuse in the main boards , Nike shoe threads are here all the time! I , as a memeber , was not effected in a neg. way from the trade/sale section. But i am effected by the threads that are here about dicount shoes. Good luck to all , I will see allot of you on other sites

It's obvious that people like me that sold here, were not here just to sell. I have over 2,000 posts in less then a year. I don't believe the sell forum was closed to save us from scammers....sorry

It wasn't closed to save US
. There were people who were competing with SWF there. Business owners etc. SWF doesn't have an issue with hobbyist to hobbyist trading/selling. As long as it doesn't effect their bottom line. I cant blame them really, but it does force us to look at other sites to do what is a inherent part of the hobby.


Active Member
Personally, I don't think I could break away from this site 100% since I've made quite a few friends, its a very user friendly forum, and because I'm finally starting to get a decent post count

But seriously, I have gone to other forums for trading, buying, etc, and may some day go to them permanently, but this site was where I started and learned the most about the hobby, so I'll still direct people here. They also do have some of the best prices for online sales, even if I don't personally buy livestock online.


Active Member
Guys, in a fairly strong way your posts here reinforce Admin's decision...
None of you, and I say again, NONE of you, would operate a business the way you are saying SWF should operate a business.
Set up a LFS, build a sweet game room for your potential customers to enjoy, then allow competitors to sit in your game room all day, eating your snacks, while handing out their business cards and making under the table deals.
The trade and live goods section was meant to be an added perk to the community. It turned into a quasi home for some people. The fact people are leaving because it was closed down proves people were using it for purposes other than it was intended.
Seriously, how much equipment do you need to buy for a tank? How much shopping can one person really do for their own personal tank?
The live section was added to promote conservation in our hobby (One of SWF Admin's causes they champion). Unfortunately, the members here began using it like a Wal Mart.
As a Mod I'm glad to see it go. The Community, long term, will be better off without it.
I hate to see any productive members of this community leave. That said, Admin has spoken on this issue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Guys, in a fairly strong way your posts here reinforce Admin's decision...
None of you, and I say again, NONE of you, would operate a business the way you are saying SWF should operate a business.
Set up a LFS, build a sweet game room for your potential customers to enjoy, then allow competitors to sit in your game room all day, eating your snacks, while handing out their business cards and making under the table deals.
The trade and live goods section was meant to be an added perk to the community. It turned into a quasi home for some people. The fact people are leaving because it was closed down proves people were using it for purposes other than it was intended.
Seriously, how much equipment do you need to buy for a tank? How much shopping can one person really do for their own personal tank?
The live section was added to promote conservation in our hobby (One of SWF Admin's causes they champion). Unfortunately, the members here began using it like a Wal Mart.
As a Mod I'm glad to see it go. The Community, long term, will be better off without it.
I hate to see any productive members of this community leave. That said, Admin has spoken on this issue.

well put,
remember people aren't happy till they are complaining.


Active Member
"As we've said many times, the auction site's objectives were not monetary."
Is the 5% to cover the cost of hosting? I certainly understand people abusing the classifieds. I have 5 tanks and two in process, I go through equipment monthly, always upgrading ect..., I am constantly going through the classifieds and then reading the threads. I also group order with other members because you all offer a quality product at a good price. What if you put a max postings per month in classifieds (3 posts or something)? What if you said you had to have 100,200,300 or whatever posts, to post there? A separate site and a 5% slap seems a little geared toward money?


Active Member
I do find it funny that people have no issues selling items on Esmay and losing the paypal % and the % that goes to Esmay. i don't see the big deal about SWA's %... just raise the price of the item to cover it


Staff member
Actually, the selling forum took up a lot of the time of the mods, and contrary to popular belief, we don't really want to spend our time in the forums as disciplinarians.
I can certainly see why people prefer the old style forum for the classifieds and live goods, but I'm not sure why people would just choose to leave because its no longer available.
To me, that says that the main reason for coming to was those selling forums? Or is it just a matter of principal?
1journeyman, is right with the analogy he gave. is first and foremost a hobby store. Inviting hundreds of competitors for free access to members is really a tad too much to ask, in my view.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
I do find it funny that people have no issues selling items on Esmay and losing the paypal % and the % that goes to Esmay. i don't see the big deal about SWA's %... just raise the price of the item to cover it

I can honestly say that I have never sold anything on ----......ever! Bookitty911 is what my wife's (and I use hers) name is on ---- and she has never sold anything there either. Obviously, I am a rarity and I am sure people have raided the site to do more than just be a hobbyist. Anyway, can we can get a link from SWF to SWA right in the forum and have us automatically logged in? It might be there and I haven't seen it? I am not leaving SWF, just not on it as often now and yes, not being able to thumb through the classifieds is a significant reason.


Active Member
at tje top of the page under the forum listing, it says "photo contest" "auctions" "user CP" etc. that's as quick of a link as i can think of...


Active Member
Would be interesting to know if the revenue generated by SWF for the on-line store sales have changed much since intorducing the aution site. Not from the auction site but from the regular store. I guess that would show how much of an impact the free classifieds were having on their sales. Just curious. May be a bad time to judge this though with the economy the way it is.


Well-Known Member
I can't blame for starting the auction site, honestly. They have to do what is in the best interests to stay in business so that we CAN have the forums going.


Active Member
First and foremost - a few ruined it for all.
Many, but certainly, definitely, not all - no implications here - are also vocal complainers about the auction. THEY lost some income from this move, from the free access to customers hosted by SWF.
That isn't a smart move for SWF.
To compare this to SPAMMERS is not reasonable nor comparing the same thing. Yes, there are spammers that get through on the boards and we try to delete it as soon as possible. I guess there were spammers in the former classifieds - just that they were selling saltwater stuff.
So a few ruined it for all. It took a huge amount of time to moderate.
I respect them for saying if it (saltwaterauctions) doesn't work, we're left with what we set out for...a great info site called saltwaterfish. In fact, I am really reassured by this answer.
If people actually leave the boards because there is no classifieds section? That is a pity, but if it is your priority than the site is not providing it. I left SWF several years back, thinking things were better on other boards. But I came back...not for any classifieds, but for the community and the info. That is not the priority for everyone and that is understandable.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bigpapa
I have to agree with the lack of desire of visits. When I was first introduced to SWF I just found it such an amazing help with advise and products. You had high quality fish from the site and high quality reefers in the forums. If I got home and had some down time I would scan over the classifieds endlessly. To the downfall of my wallet. But seriously, if I had any questions or needed some info on those items everything was easy access as well I know of a few sellers that would comunicate back and forth to great lengths to ensure you are getting the right stuff. I also got to meet a few great people face to face in doing so.

Originally Posted by m0nk

Personally, I don't think I could break away from this site 100% since I've made quite a few friends, its a very user friendly forum, and because I'm finally starting to get a decent post count

But seriously, I have gone to other forums for trading, buying, etc, and may some day go to them permanently, but this site was where I started and learned the most about the hobby, so I'll still direct people here. They also do have some of the best prices for online sales, even if I don't personally buy livestock online.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't understand. The forum is the same great forum it always been. No members should have left and the same information is still in the rest of the topics. If people left because they couldn't sell stuff for free, and didn't want to pay 8% to sell things, what good where they actually doing the community? This is a free board that doesn't even ask you to spend $30 a year to help (become a "Premium Member").


Originally Posted by Beth
Actually, the selling forum took up a lot of the time of the mods, and contrary to popular belief, we don't really want to spend our time in the forums as disciplinarians.
I can certainly see why people prefer the old style forum for the classifieds and live goods, but I'm not sure why people would just choose to leave because its no longer available.
To me, that says that the main reason for coming to was those selling forums? Or is it just a matter of principal?
1journeyman, is right with the analogy he gave. is first and foremost a hobby store. Inviting hundreds of competitors for free access to members is really a tad too much to ask, in my view.
I suppose its the whole don't crap where you eat, except more like, you should crap and eat in the same house. Basically, its easier to buy/sell and post in one forum rather than go back in forth. I never used the classifieds and wonts use the So it matters little to me.
the only thing i miss is being able to trade locally. doesnt really bother me though. i have never bought anything off SWF or the classifieds. i have gotten livestock from people locally through SWF and i was thankfull for that.
things wont go back and thats cool.


Active Member
so this basically turned into e-bay(sheesh..cant even say that word without being censored).

In the end its making us have to pay more for the coral to cover the cost of the fees, then there wont be much selling cause I doubt anyone wants to go through the hassle of setting up the auctions to sell. What a bummer everyone will have a ton of grow out and wont be able to pass it along in a easy way.