member photos.....


Active Member
lol- nice rye- didnt know we had so many resident celebs- when i first opened it up i thought it was for real- i looked at beth and -ya she was hot- then i noticed leo- and MR. Butters:rolleyes:


Active Member
I think that Mr. Salty has a death wish. If Carmen........I mean........Beth knew that you were even thinking about the special pics she would zap you good.
jwtrojan44- Sorry to hear about the special pic of FSHHUB.


Active Member
no digital camera. but im a little to the right. this is my friend throwing up after a party.


Staff member

Originally posted by MR . SALTY
Getting a picture of BETH will be impossible..This has been an ongoing issue in the "shark tank" for years...As far as I know I am the only one that has ever seen a pic of her,,,and to tell you the truth,I can't be entirly sure that was a pic of her then...

Steve! How could you question me??? You are the only one ever to get a pic of me and you doubt it was me???? ERRRRR! :mad:
I can't believe it!
But, on the other hand, perhap that is a compliment.....I looked so good that you couldn't believe it was really me instead of a Victoria Secret Model, right??? :D


Active Member
I think you need to show us all what you look like, just to be sure...:D
Come a pic!


Staff member
:D :D :D :D :D
The pic in the Shark Photos is pretty close, except I don't have mousy colored hair. :cool: :cool: :cool:


Active Member
^bump - needs to be a sticky again, I like being able to look at everyone if I wanted and Rye went to a lot of work to get us on a web page.:cool:


Active Member
Thanx Wrasse.......
I started to slack a little bit when I ran into some web troubles. If your photos are not on the site is because I can't get them there for some reason. I am still working so don't lose faith yet. :)


Active Member
how come wamp is listed in member photos and also in the shark section?
Because I am too lazy to adjust my alphabetical order loop. ;)
and hey rye, how did you change your thing to say fishtographer?
It is in your user cp thingy now.
Well, I am sorry but my contract with ummm........Playgirl.........yeah Playgirl.....uhh..doesnt allow my to post pics in public forums. Be sure to watch for me in the January Edition though!! I'm the one with black shoes and white socks.