Photography Contest Rules


Purple Firefish (Nemateleotris decora)

Orangespotted Shrimp Goby (Amblyeleotris guttata)

SWF doesn't sell this one, but I wish you did! And just in case you ever do, maybe you'll consider this to be your pic!
Bluespotted Jawfish (
Opistognathus rosenblatti)

Red Serpent Star ( Ophioderma squamoisissinum)

Feather Duster (
Sabellastarte giganteus)

Mushroom Coral - Striped Green Metallic (Discosoma sp.)


Active Member
hate to ask, but can some of these pics be moved? distracts from the rules/regs etc
also, does the pic need to be resized to 500x500 like other picture contests, or the whole wham effect from a huge pic ok?


i have posted a picture from a differant website(i didnt read all the rules) anyways i will take myself out of the competition because any of the pictures i post will be under suspect that they were from a differant site. anyways sorry.


Originally Posted by reef noob
Do You Have To Take The Pic
Well yes you have to take the pic. If you use a pic someone else took that would be a violation of copywrite laws... VERY illegal. Trust me, I deal with people stealing my photos from my web sites about 2-3 times a year at least.


ADMIN....I see my new pic up on the site now, How cool :) I think that the winner for each category should have their real name and their user ID though as apposed to just my the winners real name people know which user took the photo. what do you guys think?


New Member
Originally Posted by ElitePhoto
ADMIN....I see my new pic up on the site now, How cool :) I think that the winner for each category should have their real name and their user ID though as apposed to just my the winners real name people know which user took the photo. what do you guys think?
agree with you


Thanks Admin.
Next thing I was wondering about... Should people be allowed 2-3 photos of the same species in a single post? cause thats like doubling or trippling their chance to win isnt it? Say I like photo one but not photo 2 from a user, and say you like photo 2 but not photo 1, then that user still ends up with both votes. doesnt seem to make sense. And then if that user does win which photo actually won? I personally think each post/user should only have one photo of each species in a single post. That way the voting is done fairly and is done with a single photo.


I was thinking/wondering the same thing. I admit, I posted 2 of my Powder Blue because I couldn't decide which I liked better. Should those of us that did that just go back and delete whatever is necessary in order to submit only 1 photo entry for any specimen?


All threads that have items that are not eligible for the contest will be moved to the photography forum. Please remember that has to sell the item for it to be eligible for the contest.