Photography Contest Rules


I doubt it. even with just the first prize they are giving away alot of merchandise with $20 each. just for the fish section if all pictures were changed at $20 a piece do you realize how much worth of credits that SWF is giving away and thats just the fish section.
This contest has a staggering prize total when its all added up! I dont think there is going to be a second place in a contest like this one LOL.


Active Member
Instead of posting only links to the photos in the poll threads, would it be possible to post all of the relevant pictures in that thread, itself? It would be a lot quicker and easier to look at the photos and make a decision.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MX#28
Instead of posting only links to the photos in the poll threads, would it be possible to post all of the relevant pictures in that thread, itself? It would be a lot quicker and easier to look at the photos and make a decision.
exactly what i was thinking. i said almost the exact same thing in the yellow tang voting thread. guess i should have just put it here.
anyways, i agree 100%.


Staff member
Lots of great pics. Voters with dailup will be here a looooong time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Lots of great pics. Voters with dailup will be here a looooong time.

good point, but i think staying on one page and loading all those pictures would probably take less time than loading 3- 10 seperate pages, some which also have multiple pictures.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I have a quick question about the rules. Is there any limit to the number of times someone can win?
i doubt it. if you have the best photo 5 times, why shouldnt they pick the best photo? i doubt theyll pick a lower quality photo just because youve won before. not sure how many $20 credits you can get though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
i doubt it. if you have the best photo 5 times, why shouldnt they pick the best photo? i doubt theyll pick a lower quality photo just because youve won before. not sure how many $20 credits you can get though.

That makes sense, of course they will want to best photo. However they also benefit by getting more people involved and excited about the contest. If they just wanted high qualities pictures they could just hire someone to do it, but this way they get good photos and increase excitement for the site. Also by having different people with $20 credits they will probably increase the number of customers instead of having one customer with a bunch of free items.
In the end I'm okay with whatever they want but I was curious since some places set limits on winnings.


The Criteria is: Which photograph does a better job in motivating someone to buy this animal?
not necessarily the BEST photo but which would intise you to buy it because of the picture.


I personally think a good crisp, clear photo that represents the typical item you would purchase is the best thing. If you have saw a yellow tang with a pink tail that wouldnt be a good representation of what you would buy...thats just an example.


Active Member
This is a great idea! I love doing biz with swf.c; but, I hate to say it (no I don't), the web site pics are terrible. But I'd rather have a great fish than a nice pic and a lousy fish anytime!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MX#28
Instead of posting only links to the photos in the poll threads, would it be possible to post all of the relevant pictures in that thread, itself? It would be a lot quicker and easier to look at the photos and make a decision.

I'm quoting my previous post to bring this back to attention. Hopefully, someone from admin can address this. I don't know how hard it would be to put all of the photos for each poll on the corrosponding thread, but it would make voting a lot easier and more effective than using a bunch of links. Any opinions???


Active Member
ehh, the only thing they need to do better is link the direct pic from honestly, how hard is it to click the link for the pics?


yes but I see why they wouldnt and only the catagories it makes you look to see what else is offered. keep in mind this is a store front aswell anything that draws the eye to things you normally wouldnt look at is a good thing.


Originally Posted by renogaw
are the closed polls going to be unstickied?

I dont see why they wouldnt be SWfishy is taking care of all that so I bet when more polls are added the closed polls will be unstickied.
just my thought anyway.


This question has been some what answered just not sure. I took a picture of my juvi asfur angel, now the site does not list juvi's but has adults would my pic be considered?

coral keeper

Active Member
Can i do this? Go to the LFS and bring my camera with me and start taking photos of there fish and post it on here or dos it have to be your own fish?