
I seen where some of you said you ordered your LR form how and where do you go to do this mrswv


Active Member
mrswv, Sorry I looked through thier on-line catalog and could not find any listing for live rock. I haven't ordered any from here in quite a while so I don't know what happened to the listing. I'm sure someone will post how they got a hold of them to order. I have there phone number somewhere, I will look for it and post it on here for you, maybe you need to call them.. Lisa


On the main page, click on package deals, then it's halfway down the page. I got a really good batch of rock from SWF in July.


thanks guys i found it,do they deliver it to your house or do you have to go to the airport they come in at, because i seen where it is two day airlifted out but then that might not be the case now with air travel the way it is,and how many punds do u put in a 55 gal tanl i have to pices in it now that is supposed to 5lbs a piece mrswv
It's delivered right to your door by Fed-Ex. I got mine a little while back and it was pretty nice stuff. Not much die off on it. I believe they say to have 1-2 lbs per gallon. Something like that I may be wrong. It wouldn't be the first time.


ok thnx chocochipper,i have one more ? i;m going to order some live sand to I talked to some of u who said take the cc out of my tank and put the ls in my ? is i have a undergravel filter also in my tank won't the sand just go threw it. or can i leave some of the cc in my tank or maybe put ls on one end and leave cc or the other end its a 55 gal tank, i know i must sound stupid to some of you but just begining,have had my tank going since march but just now getting into the inverts and LR really like the stuff & can't wait to see some of the things u guys talk about come out of the LR mrswv


If you're going to use LS and LR, get rid of the undergravel set up and CC. Use the powerheads for circulation.
Good luck,


Do i have to get rid of the undergravel filter or is it just better to do that, because i would hate to have to take everything out to do that it would cause alot of stress to my fish wouldn't it.mrswv1956


I personally would recommend you get rid of the undergravel altogether. If you work carefully and have patience it won't bother your fish too much. I have taken out an UGF before and didn't have any major issues during the process.


ok if i take out the ugf,i am also using a AQUA-TECH 30-60 POWER FILTER will i need any other kind of filter system to go with this one or is it enough it says it circulates and filters 330 gallons per hour,i have a couple of power heads but there the kind that set in the top of the tube to my under gravel.and do i have to take out the bottom base or can i just remove the tubes from the under gravel.and another ? lol tired of me yet,is 40lbs of LS enough for a 55 gal tank or do i need more or less.mrswv1956


Keep in mind the Undergravel will work just fine, just not with sand. I use a UGF on all of my tanks and have not had a problem yet, and know people who have had them in use for 20 years. The key with the LS is to create a deep sand bed 4" or so, have a lot of live rock (in your tank probably 110 lbs or more) and a lot of circulation. You can get away from any other filtration if you do the LS right. Also, be careful as your tank might have an ammonia spike when you do all of this. The CC is ok as long as you do weekly maintenance (vacuuming) of it to help ensure the UGF can work properly. It is all what you are comfortable with and what has worked for you. I personally use a UGF with carib-sea reaflor sand. It is thicker that regular playsand and is made of araganite with small (very small) pieces of cc in it.


ok andy so you have ugf and are using sand to is that what you said the reason i was wanting LS is from what i have been reading it is better for the LR,is that true.because i do like my UGF i have had no trouble with it so far,can i juat put some LS in with my cc i have had some that say u can and some that say you can't.mrswv


ok guys if i remove my UGF can i just take the tubes out and leave the plate in the bottom or do i have to dig it out to.and can i put LS in with my cc,& how much LS do i need for a 55gal and what size clean up crew do i need i have a hermit crab,horse shoe crab,and one snail, a flamed scallop,know i need more but how much more without going over board,i also have to sea urchants,a chocolate chip star one big, one baby chocolate.only have two pices of Lr so far but going to get more damn thats stuff is expensive,but i like it exspecially after hearing u guys talk about it.mrswv


could someone please tell me what is the best thing to do here,do i have to have live sand if i have LR,the stuff i have in now is called marine life,it is will fine is it the same thing as cc,because the cc i seen in the pet stores is alot bigger pieces then this is.mrswv


mrswv1956 did you remove the ugf plates yet if not please go head and remove it. second i need to know how many pound of ls and lr did you get.what kind of set up is in you tank :) get those information to me and i see if i can help you ;) ;)


Active Member
I know by this time you are very confused and have gotten alot of different answers.Let me tell you of my experience with this. I used to have a UGF in my 45g tank before i switched over to a 2"3" sand base. I was convinced that this was the way to go and it really probably is. The sand in my tank looks more natural but is not deep enough to preform denitrafication (sp) (will reduce nitrates naturally) within the sand, at least a 4" deep sand is required for this to take place and thats why alot of people choose to take out their cc and change to a deep sand bed. I did it for the looks and the fact that ditrus won't accumulate in the larger particle cc, it tends to stay in the water column longer and is removed by my hang on filter. In my opinion, if all of your water perameters are good and your nitrate levels are staying low, i would just leave the UGF in. Before i took out my UGF all of my water perameters were good and the nitrate was only 10ppm or so i just removed it because everyone said it was the way to go. Don't get me wrong, i'm glad i switched to sand because it looks more natural and there is less equiptment in the tank. But if you don't want to go through the switch over or aren't quite ready to take it on, than don't. Like some folks say on this board "if its not broke, don't fix it" :D Maybe this is your case, why change somthing if it is working for you? Do you clean your cc regularly? How long has your tank been set up? I don't think you should have many problems if you do regular water changes and keep the gravel vaccumed.
Hope this helps. :D


Thanks guys for your advice,no i haven;t removed my ugf yet or bought any LS yet only have 10lb of LR so far,iam not having any trouble with my tank, water conditions are good and everything seems to be doing fine i just thought from everything i was reading that my LR and inverts had to have live sand,that is the reason i was wanting to switch,but i do hate to have to do all that stuff to switch because I am afraid i;ll stress my fish out,so my big ? is dose your Lr & inverts have't to have LS.mrswv


No, you don't need ls to have lr and inverts. lr is still going to be lr even if there is no ls.