I got the Market Leader pkg....what a deal! swf is GREAT about substitutions too! I subbed out 4 of the items....and swf didn't even blink!

I subbed out the coral banded for an arrow....which is my favorite invert now! They didn't have peppermints b/c of a storm in their area, so ask first if all of your inverts are avail. The scarlets and the blues were SMALL....speaking of small, the serpent star was TINY....so request a large one if you want. No need to request a large brittle star though....he's a monster! I subbed out the scallop for a sally...Half of one of his claws was gone...grew it back pretty quick though.
Oh yeah, only one DOA: I had subbed out a cuke for a pygmy cuke....it came with 2 cukes, the pygmy was DOA.

Also, you can add a fish/coral to your order without paying extra shipping too! (if it's small enough)