Hey guys,
I have a 125 gallon with only fish. The tank has been set up for probably over a year and a half now. It has been going very smoothly. Recently though, about a month or so (maybe a little longer), I have been running a nitrite level at 0.25. My nitrates were at 30, but I was able to get this to go down to zero by adding in some bacteria into the tank (some chemical that my LFS recommended for me to try). I usually do 10% water changes every week. But just last week I preformed 2 10% water changes back to back days. I have always started to feed the fish a little less. I make sure that all the food is eaten and nothing just sits around in the tank. After testing my water today, I am still running a 0.25 for my nitrites. My biological filtration system is just the typical wet/dry sump with bio-balls. I haven't had a problem with nitrites before so I thought they were doing a good job. How do I get this level down? What am I doing wrong? I am all out of ideas.
I have a 125 gallon with only fish. The tank has been set up for probably over a year and a half now. It has been going very smoothly. Recently though, about a month or so (maybe a little longer), I have been running a nitrite level at 0.25. My nitrates were at 30, but I was able to get this to go down to zero by adding in some bacteria into the tank (some chemical that my LFS recommended for me to try). I usually do 10% water changes every week. But just last week I preformed 2 10% water changes back to back days. I have always started to feed the fish a little less. I make sure that all the food is eaten and nothing just sits around in the tank. After testing my water today, I am still running a 0.25 for my nitrites. My biological filtration system is just the typical wet/dry sump with bio-balls. I haven't had a problem with nitrites before so I thought they were doing a good job. How do I get this level down? What am I doing wrong? I am all out of ideas.