Originally Posted by
I see your point on the cleaning part.But look your getting a good work out! I was thinking about a 20 to 40 gal tank .The under gravel filter working like a sump with the LR being used as your biological filtration to process toxic ammonia and nitrite.Also attach a small canister filter to the lift tubes of the under gravel filter for more filtration.
Modern Reef keeping is just that Modern.. One of the reasons so many today are successful is because they have learned from the mistakes learned the hard way in the past.
( like under gravel systems)
Lots of Live Rock, sumps, big refuges, good skimmers, good testing practices and the such..........That is why so many of us today can keep reefs tanks healthy for year after year.
Just 15 or so years ago this was unheard of for us commoners that did not have endless resources and help to keep a Coral Reef tank alive for years .
I have NO mechanical filter of any kind., and would not want one......... Especially something like a under gravel filter system, just waiting to cause a huge spike and kill all in it's path..........
Under gravel system like I said a few post back died long ago. It is dead and needs to stay dead............