Sand problems?


I've read that tanks get sloppy after adding sand to them... most have said that their 'milk' clears up after a few days. It doesn't look like mine has changed at all... still the same mess it was 4 days ago... any ideas? You can see what it looks like if you click on the web link (just started the site a few days ago... there are also some pics of the blizzard we had here!)
I used some sand (1 pound) from an established tank and some filter media from the same tank to get the bacteria going. It doesn't look like it has helped.
I hope it clears soon!
Also, has anyone ever purchased LR from this site? It seems they have the best prices around (my LFS is selling for $8.00/lb). I am going to buy 50lbs next paycheck and was hoping for some opinions.


Active Member
Thats real cloudy. Did you rinse it first? I did the same thing and it cleared in about 3 days. But it didn't start out that cloudy..


Yeah I did rinse it... but maybe I didn't do a good enough job?
Do you think I should drain the tank and rinse the sand again? I don't have any live stock in the tank so it is no big deal (although there is $10 worth of salt in there :D ).


Active Member
Do you have a power head going - mixing it all up? Maybe shut things down and let it all settle. Maybe someone else has another idea, before rinsing it again.
if you use live sand, what do you rinse it with before putting it in the tank? or if no fish are there, do you merely wait for it to settle?

bang guy

Don't rinse the sand IMO.
It's not working because the bacteria are starving, therefore not reproducing. You need an ammonia source in that tank to get the bacteria to colonize the sand grains. Uncured live rock would be perfect. A small piece of seafood will also work.


Rinse live sand? correct me if im wrong but I don't think you should rinse it at all. You maybe killing benificial bacteria.
I just set up another salty 50g yesterday and added 30# of argonite not l/s, rinsed it really well and 8 hours later all clear.


Active Member
Right - I was assuming he used playsand. He stated he used 1 lb of established sand. I was asking if he rinsed the playsand.


Where in Maryland are you? Ya that was a nice Blizzard! I stayed home with my kids and played with my Fish Tank...but back to work today:(
Keep cleaning the filter media...I would not use anything other than Pads....may be a finer media to filter smaller particles...remove carbon or other chemical media untill tank clears...I ran my skimmer also and it helped...
Good luck..
I don't have a web site, but I'm in the IT field also..


thanks for the replies
stpabr - I live in Columbia, and that was one heck of a snow storm.. where do you shop (lfs)??
I don't have my powerheads running but my canister and skimmer are both running.
I did use playsand (southdown) and 1 lb of established sand from another tank. You think the shrimp thing will help clear it up then? I'm ordering 50lbs of LR from next week, should I just wait?
I thought that the established sand and filter media would help... I'll take out everything but the pads in the fluval and see what happens. If I feel industrious I will walk to the store today and get a shrimp (wife has the only car dug outta the blizzard..gotta walk).
Sorry for all the questions, but you guys are very helpful!


yeah i've heard of using the shrimp to start your cycle but I've never tried it before... that's what I meant by the 'shrimp thing' :)
Dont worrie too much. Just leave the pumps and fluval running. U are doing great. PACIENCE IS THE KEY TO SUCCESSSSSSSS! :D . It will all clear up soon... Aslo if u want some bacteria growing put a timer on the light from 8 to 10hrs. a day It would help too by some live rocks also, and do the set up first before introducing fish skimmer


Active Member
There is a product I used that worked wonders. It's Pro Clear or something (maybe pro clear is the freshwater type, i don't remember off hand). Anyway, it is for saltwater and it WILL clear your water from all the suspended matter. It works by bonding all the minute particles together so they become larger particles that then settle to the bottom MUCH faster. I know we hesitate to add chemicals, but this one is very harmless, especially in a tank that is still empty of life. I'd use some of that, it will clear it up within the day. All other methods mentioned here will also do the job, but the way i just mentioned is the fastest.


bacard and krish thanks for the replies.. i just remebered I have some CoraLife tank clarifer from my last SW setup and it worked really well... i'll add some of that and see what happens.
I am purchasing some LR on Wed. so I should be able to add that by this Friday.
Thanks again for the replies, this board rocks.