Sand Sifting Crabs


I bought some sand sifting crabs about two months ago from SWF and have not seen them since, even when I do a water change & clean the sand I dont see them Is this common or are they dead? They came in a group of five. All my other inverts are doing fine. What's the deal with these guys?


Wow. No wonder I dont ever hear how well of a job they do/dont do with the sand. THEY DIE! Geees. Should I give up on them? Are they really gone


Originally Posted by Myckei
Wow. No wonder I dont ever hear how well of a job they do/dont do with the sand. THEY DIE! Geees. Should I give up on them? Are they really gone
more than likely ....sorry
I got some wild ones this summer, and they didn't last long either. I don't know if they starved to death. Since they were filter feeders, I was feeding them marine snow. I probably should have gone with some bulker food. My hermit crabs might have also stressed them out. The hermits can't stay still. So the sand crabs were always being pushed around. The sand crabs might have been preyed upon by a small swimming hitch hiking crab I had in my tank. When they molt they're vulnerable. I got rid of the hitch hiker so I'll try again next year to see if they do better in my tank.