What are some good sand surface cleaners? I have a queen conch, red leg crabs, blue legs, turbos and margaritas but they just stay on the rock and the conch is small.
my diamond goby dosent dig tunnels but they do do an awaesome job of sifting the sand, i havent seen algea on the sand ever since I got him as well as any pods...
Right now I have 1 snowflake eel, 2 damsels, 2 percs, 1 fourline wrasse, a coral beauty, a yellow serpent star, a blue tux urchin and more algae pack. Will that push it? Everything is a baby- for now.
My diamond goby is a pig as well. He will eat just about anything that he sees (mysis, brine, flakes, spectrum pellets & pretty much anything else he finds)
I would use nassrius snails if you want to turn the top layer of sand. I have some in my tanks and they do a great job. I think sandsifting gobies are cool, but they will eat alot of the good stuff out of your sand bed.