Most people on the forums, have been saying to get the finest sand, as it helps with the nitrates. The only problem with that is the powerhead will blow it around, as it's very fine.
I think when asked about different types of sand the question is in regards to aragonite (calcium carbonate based) or silica based types.........the size of the grains is mesh size and applies to both types of the most commonly available sands. In a saltwater setup aragonite based sands are the most used. I lik eanyhting from 00 to 0000 in mesh size which is about from what cornmeal or as coarse as salt on a pretzel would be up to about3 to 4 times that in grain size. Not to coarse that critters can not burrow in it and not too fine that it continually makes a cloud when disturbed.
Originally Posted by bowser220
What is the difference between white sand and aragonite ?
Aragonite just means it's Calcium carbonate based. White sand just means that, well, it's white.