

Its not so much which is bad but more which is good or best. Most people on the board use southdown play sand which is a sterilized argonite product with a nice white color. The big thing though is its argonite.
I know some people use silica sand as well, but it supposedly doesn't have the buffering properties that the argonite has. Also the silica is something you want to make sure and not breath in the dust from it.
The other things to check is use a magnet to see if there are any metal particals in the sand which is bad. And test some sand with its reaction to vinegar, it should not bubble and react. (I forget what causes the reaction though.)


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Xtremenemo
how do you know what sand is bad sand???????

I agree with the previous poster in that it is not so much if there is bad sand but which kinds are better. I use play sand and works fine for me. But as stated aragonite is reported as buffering ph as well as calcium and magnesium.
to me the main purpose of sand is to provide a means for plants to attach to. So if you put in sand and macros/plants do not grow, then you have an indication something is wrong. But then that has never happened to me.

bang guy


Originally posted by ScottNJ
And test some sand with its reaction to vinegar, it should not bubble and react. (I forget what causes the reaction though.)

Just correcting a typo... Aragonite sand will fizz when exposed to an acid like vinegar.
The buffering ability of Aragonite sand is highly overrated. More important is a small grain size and a smooth grain surface.


New Member
IMO if Southdown is available, i would go that route. Aragonite in just another name fo Calcium Carbonate ( CaCO3). This is the same type of sand that is naturally occuring in a natural reef. It will help buffer the pH and also add trace amounts of Calcium to the water. The other reason that I like SD is the size of the grains. You seem to get a nice mix in particle size from sugar (.02mm) all the way to coarse (@1-2mm). Here again IMO it is what i used and i have had no problems.