Saving water


Active Member
I might do it with circulation and aeration if it never wsa exposed to live rock, sand fish or corals.........but odds are I would dump it and mix new up when I needed it. I am kind of thrifty, but I see no point or situation I can conceive of having to save used water. I save my old water just ong enough to make sure I don't have a spill when doing a water change and once the tank is topped off the old water gets pitched.

the mantis

I didnt want my water to go to waste. Im moving my tank in a new house but im doing it in stages...I have to get out of my house in 3 months and wait a year for my new house to be built so im knocking down my 300 gal. and splitting it up into 3 smaller tanks at friends houses..Some of the water will be left over so i wanted to save it, but if i cant ill make new water....thanks