Say hello to my little friend


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
Did you want one? Just take your boat out in the Gulf there to your west and start looking or setting some deep traps.
Oh and pass the butter :thinking:

I think everybody would want one of those in a species tank :) I do not have a awesome shrimp boat anymore sadly or I would constantly be out on the water enjoying the waves and enjoying shrimp piercing my fingers until they bleed... :)
Btw I havent heard of these isopods attacking divers (not saying they havent just saying I havent heard of that yet! I am sure they have/could) but I have heard of smaller isopods (fish lice) which have been known to attack divers... if one of these got a hold of you under the water... i'd probably ____ a brick.


Active Member
These do not attack divers...they are DEEEEP sea, 500 or more feet and beyond.
Many organisms in the deep sea demonstrate a phenomenon known as "gigantism" and this is one of the most famous examples. The genus is Bathynomus.
They are scavengers, for the most part, though carnivorous scavengers. But many animals in the deep sea are opportunistic so I wouldn't rule out them going after some other critters they may find there.
They are sometimes kept in public aquaria and research facilities, but being deep sea animals have some special needs. At the very least for quite cold water.
Cirolanid isopods and relatives, in addition to attacking fish in the aquarium, may attach onto divers as well.


Could you even sleep knowing this thing is looking out the tank at you while you have your eyes the dark......and his eyes are glowing......hungry......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
Could you even sleep knowing this thing is looking out the tank at you while you have your eyes the dark......and his eyes are glowing......hungry......

eww *shudders* that sentence gave me the chills. It would be freakin sweet though. Get a video camera, a few GI-Joes and you got yourself a cheap monster movie. ***)
NO!!!! better yet!!! get some power-rangers and you got yourself the best episode ever!!!! The green ranger will have to come by and save all of their -$$es though...... as always

psh..... can you tell i was in around the 2nd grade during the mid-90s? lol


Why are those things in peoples houses!!>.. I definently think they are keeping them as pets... Either that or those are Kim Jung Ills Weapons of Mass Distruction LMAO!


Originally Posted by Shnabbles
Why are those things in peoples houses!!>..!
Because the government is take our guns away, but i figure If I make a home made cannon and shoot one of these bad boys at a robber.......well......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shnabbles
Why are those things in peoples houses!!>.. I definently think they are keeping them as pets... Either that or those are Kim Jung Ills Weapons of Mass Distruction LMAO!

Kim Joung Ill has NO weapons of mass destruction!! i should know!! He is in my tank!
(Kim Joung EEL the snowflake eel)
sorry, i couldnt resist......
and thomas.... I would find one of these things a heck of a lot scarier than a gun.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Too bad you can't put a leash on them and walk them around the neighborhood.
ahahahaha!!! that'll keep those pesky neighbors at bay!


i'd sooo do that... my neighbors think we're weird anyway... if i came out with a gargantuan cockroach-looking thing... well i dunno what they'd do... hmmm...
That'd be one heck of a halloween costume.

bang guy

Originally Posted by promisetbg
Here's another pic...Bang Guy says this is the only known predator of the shark.They bore through to their heart! :scared:

Actually it's a specific species of the tiny Cirolanid that prey on Sharks.


as off as this sounds... i seriously had a nightmear about that thing last night.. i dont know why im telling you this haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I think they're really cute. If I could have a deep sea, that would be cool

get yourself a nautilus


Active Member
No, I mean DEEEEEEPPPP sea, like a couple of thousand meters deep, which ain't easy to do due to pressure needs...and seriously cold water. And I would have brittlestars and sea cucumbers, the dominant macrofauna of the deep sea
Nautilus are boring


Imagine if that crawled around on land and you woke up looking at one in the morning . . . hehehehe