scallops all over live rock, maybe????



I have a live rock with living shells all over it that open slightly and close when a light is shined or glass is tapped.
The shells look like it is part of the colors or anything ...I thought they were dead and "fossilized"......there must be 20 of them.
When they are opened, ever so slightly.....i can see white "hairs" along the mouth of the the inside i can barely make out something almost pulsating inside....looks white as well.
I am so amazed because the shells look like one whole unit of rock and shells. I was looking for creatures at night and saw the "rock" shell close!!!! I couldn't sleep!!
They are small....about an inch across the "mouth" on the biggest ones.
I can't find anything about it......
Also wondering what those little white thing are that are all over it.
Having a marine tank has been SUCH an amazing experience!!!!!!! Always new creatures to discover!! I feel like a little kid!! :) :) I am happy that my tank is healthy enough and things are thriving and surviving in it!!


Oh yeah.....on the same rock, I discovered I have some sort of tube or fanworms......some have red colored "feathers". Very neat........
BUT.....also on the same rock...I have some aiptasia now ( I see three so far)
I don't want to harm any other creature...just heard that I need to get rid of the aiptasia.
I was wishing the pest anenome wouldn't be on the same rock as the other amazing creatures I found. This is my first aiptasia invasion
I also found a weird "puffed wheat" looking snail.....


The small tube worms are Feather duster.
My guess without a pic might be small barnacles for the other organism you are talking about. They are filter feeders that extend a feather like tentacles to collect small particles that are in the wter column.
Sent From my Frontal Lobes via TapaTalk!!


That's what is cool about LR...there are always new things popping up.
The dusters are fine, and I suspect that the little bivalves are fine, but a pic would help.
The only "spaceship" looking snail I can think of are Heliacus (AKA sundial/box snails). They're saucer-shaped, and are generally white with black spots on them. What nails the ID on this snail is the conical-shaped operculum (the little thing that plugs the opening when the snail is retracted). Unfortunately, if that's your critter, they feed on zoanthids, get it out.
Here are some photos:



I love you guys for loving this as much as I do!!!!! Just gotta say that first!!
Got pics up of "scallop thingies".... look's crazy!!
The snail doesn't look anything like that....
We have a totally different world right in our homes!!!!!


Yes we do...people always ask how do you enjoy the hobby and I say it started out as a hobby but its more of an addiction!!! Thats why I love going to frag swaps, local reef meetings, and large reef shows/conventions we are a friendly bunch and love to talk about our small oceans!! Its funny cause every reefer I know has an album on their phone to show off!!
Hopefully you can get a good pic and we can narrow it down.
Also as far as your aiptasia go there are a couple of things yoh can try; the natural route by using Peppermint shrimp but you have to buy a pack for them to work effectively. One or two do little but 10 or so seem to work better.
Berghia Nudibranchs is another way but they only eat aiptasia and will starve after they are gone and they are a little pricey.
Then there are a couple of fish that will eat them Aiptasia eating Filefish and Longnose Butterfly fish.
Or you can go the chemical route.
Sent From my Frontal Lobes via TapaTalk!!



Here is a couple of the Bi-Valves....I looked up "rock scallop" and it looks pretty similar......need some expert opinions
Also wondering what the white circular things are.



Here is a pic of the unidentified snail.
It almost looks like a white piece of puffed wheat.
The body of the snail is pinkish white.
And don't worry the red slime is already gone after one day of being in the tank.
any nuisance algae dies off quick in our tank. After the Brown algae bloom and die off we are getting Awesome neon green coralline algae.


That's not a's a small clam. Possibly a rock-boring species.
The "scallops" are likely a species of oyster, not exactly a thorny oyster, but similar. However, they might be scallops as well.
The little white things are likely Spirorbid tubeworms:

You've got some interesting critters on your LR...
BTW, here's a link to our Pictorial Hitchhiker Guide:


Do clams move like snails??
The puffed wheat thing had a pinkish body out below the shell front and back like our nassi snails when they move.

bang guy

I agree that the bivalves are some type of Oyster.
The Puffed-Wheat Snail is a Turkey Wing Clam. It will crawl around until it finds a good spot to settle in.


Thank you so much!!!! I love finding new creatures!!! And I also love that someone knows what they are!!