school me in shrooms


Wierd because ive had shrooms live in my toilet!! The only way ive ever killed a shroom is to cook it with a 400 watt metal halide light because i didnt light acclimate the shroom. You can keep a frogspawn but not a shroom? I have killed three frogspawns but never a shroom, this is a strange experience... Try a ricordia as they are just as easy as shrooms, and see if same thing happens? My last question is what kind of lights are you running? Some lighting like snapshots from camera flashes are deadly to some coral?


Active Member
My suggestions~First, stop dosing iodine. Test kits for it are innacurate and it's very easy to O.D. Water changes are enough to keep iodine in check.Next..stop using Purple Up, and start using a two part A&B additive like B-ionic or something equivelent. Do not dose what you cannot test for..ever. This means get a Ca and Alk test kit. Buy Salifert test kits, a bit pricey but worth it. Test your MG. as is part of the equation. Next, do a nice sized water change if you have'nt recently. Then post real numbers on your not go by what someone else said is ok. You are shooting for DKH of 11.2 Alkalinity reading of 4.00. With CA at 450. Do not let the SG. swing..keep it at off daily.


Active Member
Originally Posted by whitey_028
Wierd because ive had shrooms live in my toilet!! The only way ive ever killed a shroom is to cook it with a 400 watt metal halide light because i didnt light acclimate the shroom. You can keep a frogspawn but not a shroom? I have killed three frogspawns but never a shroom, this is a strange experience... Try a ricordia as they are just as easy as shrooms, and see if same thing happens? My last question is what kind of lights are you running? Some lighting like snapshots from camera flashes are deadly to some coral?
He said in the first post he has 65W PC which should be ok for shrooms especially if he has frogspawn in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
My suggestions~First, stop dosing iodine. Test kits for it are innacurate and it's very easy to O.D. Water changes are enough to keep iodine in check.Next..stop using Purple Up, and start using a two part A&B additive like B-ionic or something equivelent. Do not dose what you cannot test for..ever. This means get a Ca and Alk test kit. Buy Salifert test kits, a bit pricey but worth it. Test your MG. as is part of the equation. Next, do a nice sized water change if you have'nt recently. Then post real numbers on your not go by what someone else said is ok. You are shooting for DKH of 11.2 Alkalinity reading of 4.00. With CA at 450. Do not let the SG. swing..keep it at off daily.
Good info to follow.
But I still can't figure out how he can keep frogspawn and not shrooms. If he was overdosing Iodine wouldn't the other corals show it as well?

sign guy

Active Member
Alright I will order some salifert as soon as I get a chance. My lfs has trouble getting some things so it might take awhile, i'll test for mg if someone could tell me what that is. I thnk I will do 10% water chages every 4 days for a coupple of weeks. also I will stay away from the iodine and purple up. I do not want to sound repetitive but if any of these were a problem would't the toadstool and spawn be afected as well pluss don't forget this has been on going for 6 months. more mony more mony more mony


Active Member
Mg= magnesium...without it corals cannot uptake CA. Google the word allelopathy..another possibility. :thinking: I am not saying what I have suggested is going to make your mushrooms instantly happy...these are observations based on what you posted. I wonder ..could they be getting blasted with flow? What size tank is this?

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
I test for all, copper 0, trates, trites and amonia are never over 10ppm. Phos is low, temp stays @ 77, salinity 1.023 to1.028 but never flux rapidly, cal is just over 300 and and my lfs says my alk and iodine are fine. I just cant remember what # they were. Toadstool, frogspawn, red tree sponge, brown button poylps and green star poylps. But none of the coral is around the shrooms. any other stabs
Are you saying that your Ammonia and Nitrites are never over 10PPM? Or are these levels at 0 and your Nitrates are never over 10? Do you spray anything in the room or near the tank that could be getting into the tank? Are you running an adequate amount of carbon to pull out any toxins?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
travis what do you know about devils hand
I don't really know anything about Devils Hand, except that it is a leather.


Active Member
The only thing I can add to this is, my LFS told me to make sure my water is of good quality all the time with leathers. Run a carbon 24/7 and make sure it is not an old carbon. Leathers "can" give off a posion as they shed. She had a whole tank of mushrooms, anemones, fish etc wiped out due to water quality neglect with the leathers.
I recently just got a toadstool frag. This is my only leather so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it attaches soon and starts to grow.
Say, how often do you do water changes?
If you try mushrooms again I would just get one and place it in the opposite side of the tank all by itself and just observe and see what happens. Sit back and watch your tank mates to see if any of them are touching them.
Good luck.....

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
Mg= magnesium...without it corals cannot uptake CA. Google the word allelopathy..another possibility. :thinking: I am not saying what I have suggested is going to make your mushrooms instantly happy...these are observations based on what you posted. I wonder ..could they be getting blasted with flow? What size tank is this?
I use seachem cal and it has mg in it allredy. no they couldn't be blasted they are on the bottom now and before that they were allways out of the stedy flow My tank is a 46 bow


I used to have the same sort of problems with my corals!! The problem was, that I wasn't doing water changes like I should. I now do a 10% water change once a week, and everything looks great... no additives, no nothing, just a 10% water change. All of my corals look beautiful and are growing and multiplying. The water changes really was the key to my success. HTH!

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
Are you saying that your Ammonia and Nitrites are never over 10PPM? Or are these levels at 0 and your Nitrates are never over 10? Do you spray anything in the room or near the tank that could be getting into the tank? Are you running an adequate amount of carbon to pull out any toxins?
all 3 never rise above 10ppm. and it sounds extrem but I don't use chems outside the bathrooms. I always rinse my hands before working with the tank. I just started running carbon bout 3 weeks ago I thought my fuge could hanndel it but my lfs said to use it as well.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Kev
I used to have the same sort of problems with my corals!! The problem was, that I wasn't doing water changes like I should. I now do a 10% water change once a week, and everything looks great... no additives, no nothing, just a 10% water change. All of my corals look beautiful and are growing and multiplying. The water changes really was the key to my success. HTH!

did you have spot problems as well cuse its just my shrooms that give me problems everything else looks great. I do 25% a month, but think that i will start doing 10% a week as well

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
The only thing I can add to this is, my LFS told me to make sure my water is of good quality all the time with leathers. Run a carbon 24/7 and make sure it is not an old carbon. Leathers "can" give off a posion as they shed. She had a whole tank of mushrooms, anemones, fish etc wiped out due to water quality neglect with the leathers.
I recently just got a toadstool frag. This is my only leather so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it attaches soon and starts to grow.
Say, how often do you do water changes?
If you try mushrooms again I would just get one and place it in the opposite side of the tank all by itself and just observe and see what happens. Sit back and watch your tank mates to see if any of them are touching them.
Good luck.....

good advise I din't know about the leathers given off poision. I do 25% a month but am going to 10 a week. Yea I think i will try putting two opposite of each other


Originally Posted by Debbie
The only thing I can add to this is, my LFS told me to make sure my water is of good quality all the time with leathers. Run a carbon 24/7 and make sure it is not an old carbon. Leathers "can" give off a posion as they shed. She had a whole tank of mushrooms, anemones, fish etc wiped out due to water quality neglect with the leathers.
I recently just got a toadstool frag. This is my only leather so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it attaches soon and starts to grow.
Say, how often do you do water changes?
If you try mushrooms again I would just get one and place it in the opposite side of the tank all by itself and just observe and see what happens. Sit back and watch your tank mates to see if any of them are touching them.
Good luck.....

Hows your toadstool?