Originally Posted by sign guy
I test for all, copper 0, trates, trites and amonia are never over 10ppm. Phos is low, temp stays @ 77, salinity 1.023 to1.028 but never flux rapidly, cal is just over 300 and and my lfs says my alk and iodine are fine. I just cant remember what # they were. Toadstool, frogspawn, red tree sponge, brown button poylps and green star poylps. But none of the coral is around the shrooms. any other stabs
Are you saying that your Ammonia and Nitrites are never over 10PPM? Or are these levels at 0 and your Nitrates are never over 10? Do you spray anything in the room or near the tank that could be getting into the tank? Are you running an adequate amount of carbon to pull out any toxins?