schooling fish


What are some good schooling fish that are hardy and easy to get along with. Please post a pic if you can.

tru conch

Active Member
anthias are another option, but are larger and can be more difficult to feed.
one reminder about chromis, they need a minimum of at least 6 (or 7 depending on what literature you are reading) to school and to be peaceful towards each other. if you have less they tend to kill each other off. i tried to just have 4 and all i ended up with is a single large male. now i have 9 and they all seem to get along peachy with each other. hth.



Originally posted by DrummerBum
can you mix blue and green chromis? will they school together or seperate into 2 groups??


but my question is will blue and green chromis stay together in a group or will they seperate into one group blue and one group green


At one time, I had 7 green chromis and 3 blue. They would take or leave the schooling together. The blues were alot smaller than the greens..the blues were a bit more expensive..but they all three eventually were gone. Dont know what happen to them.. One of the greens disappeared..and they have been six for along time.. (mine must not b able to count either! cuz they dont fight at all. They are prolly about 7 months together now)


so i could pottentially hav either one or two schools deppending on their mood :D i guess i could deal with that. if i'm gonna mix should 1 get 3 of each?


You could try the 3 of each..but like I said..I was disappointed at how well the blues didnt
do. It was like they were weak or something. I really liked them for the short time they lived!$ in less than two weeks down the drain! lol Im afraid to try em again at ten bucks a piece!
Maybe some else has had some luck with the blue reef chromis ? anyone?