schooling fish


I'm trying to find a couple little schooling fish, maybe 2 or 3, to put in my 58g.
the only thing i have in right now is a maroon clown, but down the line i would like to add a lemonpeel angel and a blackback butterfly fish. this will not be a reef tank. Lets hear some suggestions ***)


Active Member
Chromis would be great. They are smaller fish and colorful. Also Cardinal fish would do fine.


i love the lyretail anthias, but are they had to take care of. a lfs told me they were. if so are there any other smaller anthias's that would do nicely


by the way everyone, how does that stocklist sound,
1 maroon clown
1 lemonpeel angel
1 blackback butterfly
and some little schooling fish


i would say flasher wrasse. They do best in groups of 2 females and 1 male. I really like the filament flasher wrasse.


yeah, the filamented flasher wrasse is beautiful, how is the feeding like. i read that you need to add amino acids and color-enhancing pigments to their food?


I have never read that before. I know with flasher wrasse you always kind of want to get 3, because they will all be trying to impress eachother keeping all of their colors bright. I know sometimes if you keep just one, its' colors will become less intense or fade.


DPerna, not to still your thread and maybe this question applies to you as well. Does anyone know the differences between the Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse and the Filament Flasher Wrasse? Is one smaller than the other? I was just curious.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DPerna
I'm trying to find a couple little schooling fish, maybe 2 or 3, to put in my 58g.
the only thing i have in right now is a maroon clown, but down the line i would like to add a lemonpeel angel and a blackback butterfly fish. this will not be a reef tank. Lets hear some suggestions ***)

Are you going to take out the schooling fish when you add in the other two on top of your already one..1+3+2=Too many


Active Member
with that size tank, the maroon which can grow to be almost 6", and the lemonpeel and BF, which both are sensitive fish that need good water params, i would only add 2 firefish to that set up without pushing it. depends on how much LR you have, and how large your sump is to be able to handle such a bioload. anything else , you will find yourself doing a lot of water changes.


bangaii cardinals or green chromis they are really cool fish


so a fish only tank with
maroon clown
lemonpeel angel
blackback butterfly
and 3 filamented flasher wrasse would be too much?
if so would it work with 2 of them?
thanks :thinking:


Active Member
do you have a healthy thick sand bed?
how much LR do you have?
what size sump if any? fuge? skimmer?
possibly you could be ok with 2 smaller species type of wrath and the other three in a tank that size, but IMO you would be stocked at that point.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
do you have a healthy thick sand bed?
how much LR do you have?
what size sump if any? fuge? skimmer?
possibly you could be ok with 2 smaller species type of wrath and the other three in a tank that size, but IMO you would be stocked at that point.
I have aprox 2 1/2 inch healthy sand bed
im actually not sure how much live rock is in there right now because of the amount the original owner got, then taking out, moving, etc. but i am positive a have plenty enough
the sump i have i also at the moment am not sure how many gallons it is
and i am using a berlin classic turbo protein skimmer


sorry if thats not enough info(about the live rock lbs/sump gallons, this is a complete used tank that i got from a friend for a very good price. i could find out a little later in the day what the sump can hold