Schooling possibilities?


I was thinking of getting a few Dispar Anthias. Anyone have any first hand expereince with them?

tony detroit

Active Member
no, but I've seen them school at the store I go to. They'd look sweet in a 125 reef. Maybe four or even more would look pretty cool.

bang guy

I've never been convinced that Firefish school after they mature.
Does anyone have a school of Firefish they've had for more than 3 years?


Active Member
It is my understanding that bangaiis will school when juveniles, but once they reach adulthood, they pair up into mated pairs and no longer school.


Is the tank a 125 gal? If so APAGON cardinals, lyretail anthias and royal grammas are my favourite schooling/hareming fish


Yeah the tank is 125gal long.
I like the purple firefish but everytime I see them they seem to stay pretty stationary. Not to mention they seem to be pretty common. I'm looking for something a little less common and a pretty active also.
I notice reading some info the Anthias family and some some be be deep dwelling fish. I wonder if the whole family is and if so how active would they be in bright light? I'm sure not all of them hang out in the deep though.
Cardinals are pretty cool but again unless being feed they don't seem to be very active.
I think I'm going to keep researching on the Anthias. They seems to be quite a few to choose from and all are colorful. Just hope they are active.

bang guy

Yes, the Anthias are very active. Keep in mind that active fish need to be fed a LOT and often. This means increased bio-load. Not a problem but just keep it in mind when calculating stocking levels.

tony detroit

Active Member
Just so you know...
Pet connection in Livonia almost always has some Anthias on hand. I think I've seen them there almost every time I've been there.


Cool, thanks,
Yeah I still have a couple of weeks of letting my tank being fishless after the wipeout. Still not sure what it was but I'm guessing from all the symptoms it was Brooknyella.
Just doing my homework this time around and buying the fish I really want instead of impulse buys.:D