Schooling Yellow Tangs?



How large of a tank does everyone feel you'd need to have a group of yellow tangs in the same tank?
I'm looking at an 8' long, 4' wide, and 2' tall tank.
Would that be enough room to have around 5 or more yellow tangs and getting them to form a school? Any opinions or input is appreciated.


Active Member
If the tanks established my vote is for all at once. If it's not established I'd say wait until it is.
Sounds great. Let's see pics if you go that route!


I'm probally going to pick up 5 smaller tangs and place them in all at once. Hopefully that will prevent any from wanting to lay claim to the whole tank.
Will be several months before its ready for that though. Have a month before I can move into my new house. Than I have about 3-4 weeks for the tank to be built. Than I'm going to set the tank up and let it run for atleast a month or two before I start preparing for fish.