Scooter Blenny questions


Originally Posted by Jerthunter
goodluck, they are amazing fish!
I know I hope in a year or more I can come on here and talk about how he is doing great, and help someone else out with the same quesiton! That's my goal


I killed 2 scooters with newbie stupidity, too. :(
The first one was actually grabbed and eaten by a crab I later learned was very NOT reef safe, and the second one starved.
Then again, my friend had one as one of his starter fish, and he was lucky because his ate frozen brine and mysis. It lived a good three years or so, until he changed tanks after a fire and the stress of the move got to the poor scooter.
Maybe you'll be lucky with yours. I hope so!


Active Member
If you cannot return him get some live brine and mix it with the mysis, blow it right at him, he will eat the live and hopefully take to the mysis which is better for him.


Originally Posted by puffer32
If you cannot return him get some live brine and mix it with the mysis, blow it right at him, he will eat the live and hopefully take to the mysis which is better for him.
Great idea, do they sell the live brine at the lfs usually?


ive had two scotter blennys in my tank for about a week their doing great. btw my tank has only been set up for 2 and a half weeks.


Originally Posted by fishmanwi
ive had two scotter blennys in my tank for about a week their doing great. btw my tank has only been set up for 2 and a half weeks.

well good luck to you too! I hope they all do well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishmanwi
ive had two scotter blennys in my tank for about a week their doing great. btw my tank has only been set up for 2 and a half weeks.

I have a feeling that they will not being doing great for long being in such a new tank and having two could be a serious problem for the fish.


Active Member
scooters in what i've seen are more known to eat frozen than green mandarins. You should look up in tank fuge's and see which ones you like best, and try to do that. Their is the soapdish fuge and my pvc pipe fuge. You probably want to go with the soapdish. I keep a mandarin and a scooter alive in a 29g with the pvc method though (they eat frozen mysis too) scooter has been in for 11 months, mandarin 4. Not the highest success story due to its not been that long, but alot longer than most.


Originally Posted by nYgel
scooters in what i've seen are more known to eat frozen than green mandarins. You should look up in tank fuge's and see which ones you like best, and try to do that. Their is the soapdish fuge and my pvc pipe fuge. You probably want to go with the soapdish. I keep a mandarin and a scooter alive in a 29g with the pvc method though (they eat frozen mysis too) scooter has been in for 11 months, mandarin 4. Not the highest success story due to its not been that long, but alot longer than most.
I 'm sorry, don't mean to sound dumb, but what is the tank fuge?
I'm not an expert and the advice on here is often conflicting but very sound. I ordered copepods and they seem to breed in the holes in my live rock. I am going to add a suction cup soap dish with chaeto algea soon but I have adults and babies of at least 2 diff types of pods. Scooter has been in the tank 4 mos look for good coloration (mine is a stellate dragonet so he is red/pink) from mid fish to tail and make sure from top down it has width to it not thin. Also I leave the moonlight on for at least an hour every night. The copepods come out and he still feeds. He has grown so much since I got him and his head is fat! Also he likes the tank temp abut 82-83 degrees and does not like it to dip at all at night. He is comical and curious and notices every time I move a rock. I think they seem more intelligent cause they can turn their heads and look at you.


had mine in new tank for 2 weeks going strong loves mysis and will eat brine too cool fish my favorite ...lfs told me the exact same thing ....don't freak yet try the mysis

good alex

ive had one SB for about a year and a half and hes been doing great and i was wondering if i could get another one. Are SB's territorial? Are they friendly towdards other dragonetts?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Good Alex
ive had one SB for about a year and a half and hes been doing great and i was wondering if i could get another one. Are SB's territorial? Are they friendly towdards other dragonetts?
From my understanding you can keep only one male so you would want to make sure that if your current one is male to get a female.


New Member
See the attached photos:
But I have a question too. LFS said that that purple flourescent and darker means that they are stressed? is that true?
He sleeps in the sand at night. I use my NVGs to watch the tank in pitch dark. Just kidding, but now that i said that I may have to do that sometime.
When I first bought he was about 3 inches. now he is pushing 5 Inches in length.
He is happy I guess. I tried to give him a buddy, (another blenny) but he just chased it to death. The little fellow only lasted one day.


good alex


Heres mine dont know if its a she or he but how do you tell is there some color difference or size? Would like to know so i can get another one.
Its a 150g tank so im sure they'll have enough room.


Active Member
I'm going to GUESS male for your scooter Good Alex. From my understanding the males are more colorful and have a larger fin in their back, kind of like a nice big sail.

good alex

Thanks for the info, ill see if i can find one with a smaller tail, when I bought him, he was with another SB, darn should have bought that one to!!


Active Member
Try to watch and see what its 'sail' look like when he opens it. female scooters, from what I understand, have a much smaller sail.. It is difficult to tell from the pictures but like I said I'd GUESS Good Alex's is male and I'd GUESS ANNA&MIKE's is female.. but its hard to tell, for me, from the photos


Active Member
Originally Posted by Good Alex
i have a picture with the sail fully open would you like me to post that picture?
Well I'd love to see it, I love scooter blenny pictures, still wouldn't be able to tell you for sure but I think it would help.