scooter blenny starving?


i bought a scooter blenny probably 3 months ago and he did fine but this morning i looked at him closly and noticed he is very thin and not very active :scared: what can i feed him to make him healthier :notsure: it is a 29 gallon and has 10 lbs of lr and 15 lbs of base rock PLEASE HELP thank you in anvance


Scooters are actually a lot like mandarins, in that they require tiny live organisms in an established tank to thrive. I don't know how common it is, but I have one that will eat frozen preparations. I take some tank water, drop the cube of mysis or marine cuisine, and stir it around until it thaws. Then I take a bulb syringe, like you would use for a baby, and suck up some of the stuff. Put it right on the sand in front of him and see if he will hit it. Mine will, but I don't know if all will. Mine will occaisionally eat a pellet that falls to the bottom, but not enough to sustain him. Try the frozen. You may have to work with him and see what happens. You can also order "pods" online that they eat. Good luck.


Active Member
Have you seen him eat prepared foods?? I had one a while back that would eat formula one pellets. If he is not eating the food you are feeding he is most likely starving.


Active Member
I had one before that would not eat any frozen or prepaired food. Only small live critters from rock. You may have to get more LR because you don't have enough to keep it alive as it is. If you need more room tak out some of your base rock and add more LR.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Mombostic
Scooters are actually a lot like mandarins
Yep. Since they are smaller they eat less but they require similar conditions.