ScottAllerts 40gallon not so nano


Active Member
i know. idk why. like i reply fast so i can get an answer back. but then i have to wait half an hour to get a reply
idk why?!?!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
i know. idk why. like i reply fast so i can get an answer back. but then i have to wait half an hour to get a reply
idk why?!?!
Ya know nissan, the other forum does have a chat feature. Probably would be perfect for you, just sayin...


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Ya know nissan, the other forum does have a chat feature. Probably would be perfect for you, just sayin...
lol i know dont worry! ive havnt been there in a while. i will past by today! lol


Active Member
well, i went out on a collection trip, like i do every week, subie was partally right, i collected 4 grey angels a queen angel and a blue angel, an angler and a handful of urchins, then took them to the lfs and got $120 worth of stuff.
next few weeks ill be collecting wrasses and inverts. If the weather isnt too cold.


Active Member
oh. but still stealing from the reef to get your own stuff! thats what destroying the reef. im not saying you are but you should stop


Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
oh. but still stealing from the reef to get your own stuff! thats what destroying the reef. im not saying you are but you should stop
ive never taken rock or corals just fish, its just like fishing and eating the snapper you catch or grouper.


Active Member
more pics i found the macro setting so my pics are a bit better.
candy cane and polyps



orange ric with 3 mouths that is splitting atm

shroom and hammer

new anemone a bit bleached atm

1 of my cleaner shrimps