ScottAllerts 40gallon not so nano


Active Member
take the rock out put it in new bucket of saltwater and scrub it hard with a tooth brush. it will work! looking good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

coral head

Originally Posted by nissan577
oh. but still stealing from the reef to get your own stuff! thats what destroying the reef. im not saying you are but you should stop
As long as he has a saltwater fishing license and is complying with the following, his collection is perfectly legal.

MINIMUM SIZE LIMIT (Total length) Spanish Hogfish 2” Spotfin Hogfish 3” Porkfish 11/2”
MAXIMUM SIZE LIMIT (Total length) Angelfish (except Rock Beauty) 8” Butterflyfish, Jawfish 4” Rock Beauty 5” Gobies 2” Spanish Hogfish 8” Spotfin Hogfish 8”
BAG LIMIT Fishes / Invertebrates: 20 per person per day. no more than 5 angelfish and no more than 6 Octocoral colonies PLANTS: 1 gallon per person per day
Live landing and live well requirements. Harvest in Biscayne National Park & John Pennekamp State Park prohibited.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Head
As long as he has a saltwater fishing license and is complying with the following, his collection is perfectly legal.

MINIMUM SIZE LIMIT (Total length) Spanish Hogfish 2” Spotfin Hogfish 3” Porkfish 11/2”
MAXIMUM SIZE LIMIT (Total length) Angelfish (except Rock Beauty) 8” Butterflyfish, Jawfish 4” Rock Beauty 5” Gobies 2” Spanish Hogfish 8” Spotfin Hogfish 8”
BAG LIMIT Fishes / Invertebrates: 20 per person per day. no more than 5 angelfish and no more than 6 Octocoral colonies PLANTS: 1 gallon per person per day
Live landing and live well requirements. Harvest in Biscayne National Park & John Pennekamp State Park prohibited.
thanks for the info.


Active Member
that was rude. no one comments in mine. i just posted pics of my new aquascape and nothing
but you can update ima be here looking


Active Member
some new updates
a pistol shrimp i caught sitting in my fuge until i get a shrimp goby

colt coral just now starting to open

another cold coral, and a new shroom that is superrr!!! bright red

some kind of sps an id would be nice, ill get better pic tomorrow when it opens

clown and anemone

a yellow cbs i caught today, a mushroom and feather duster


Active Member
looks awesome. i really regret not setting up my 40 gal breeder. watch out i read that pistols and cleaners do not get along!


Active Member
Originally Posted by premilove
looks awesome. i really regret not setting up my 40 gal breeder. watch out i read that pistols and cleaners do not get along!
my pistol is in my fuge, im still debating on the shrimp goby combo in the tank.