SCSInet's 180g Reef Build!


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
He's ALIVE....
Good lord, most honeymoon's are over in a week. Sheeeeeshhh...It's about time. Good to see ur back....

Yeah saw him pop up in Bronco's thread too. Good to have you back, even if you are gonna disappear again. Can't wait to see some beautiful pics with the new camera.


Active Member
please elaborate how you made the standpipes easy to disconect. I didnt quit follow how you went about doing it...nice tank BTW lots of care went into it.


Active Member
Okay well... it's not easy to explain but I'll do my best...
You know how when you insert a PVC pipe into a fitting, it fits tighter and tighter the further you push it in to the fitting?
Okay so the way I did it was that I installed a vertical section of pipe, glued into the male fitting which fits into the bulkhead at the bottom.
However, instead of gluing the tee for the durso into the top of that pipe, I installed a female-female coupler. This was glued to the vertical section.
To fit the tee to that, I cut a small section of pipe to join the two together, but I cut it short. Then I glued this into the elbow, so the amount that protruded was not sufficient to fully seat into the coupler on the standpipe.
That way, when the "top section" of the durso is installed, the fit is snug, but not tight, so it easily disjoins later. I didn't glue this part of the setup, so it can simply be lifted off and removed.


Active Member
Ok so you basically have a leak free standpipe that is not glued together? nice. I will not do it that way...because it seems complicated. But if i can lift it off and it comes apart freely?
I had bought couplers that unskrewed from a wheel that seperated them in either direction.


Active Member
No, it's certainly not leak free.
The unglued junction probably leaks a bit. But it's no big deal because it's below the waterline.


Active Member
I just wanted to say awesome job on the tank. I went through a similar situation with the marriage, wife lost job, then she gets a job and I lose my job, then I get a job and she has to intern for free for a year and has to quit said job. So I understand completely about pushing projects further and further into the distance. I have not been on in probably 6 months but this thread was absolutely great. I have my 220 FOWLR going great, and I had started my 55g reef build a while back. That is the project that keeps getting pushed back haha.
Again, thanks for the great step by step build, it is great to get a little understanding of the behind the scene's action in the life of SCSI! Now if I could just learn the electrical side of all this I would be golden :) .


Active Member
I don't quit follow what those PVC pipes where at the top, that's the return feed correct?
If you got some time can i see a pic of the finished product...wouldn't mind seeing some other shots of the tank as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by King_Neptune
I don't quit follow what those PVC pipes where at the top, that's the return feed correct?
If you got some time can i see a pic of the finished product...wouldn't mind seeing some other shots of the tank as well.
No, these are drain lines (overflows).
If I had any updated pics, I'd post them, but I don't. Basically as the project neared completion my life got crazy getting ready for my wedding and such, and to be honest I haven't really taken any pictures of the system since the ones that are posted here.
I won't make any promises about taking pics and posting them, because I never seem to keep those promises...


yehh but i have got to give you credit, you have been soo patient on this tank build with every going on, if it were me i'd of rushed the tank.
you got anywhere new with it? some pics would be great:D


Active Member
The tank has been running for two years now. I almost never take pictures of it though so I can't really post any pics. I'm kind of in Q&A mode on this thread now. I used to make promises to post pics but I never follow through so I'm not going to lead anyone on...

I've shifted my focus to a new project. I just completed converting the 120g freshwater tank in my office at work to a full blown reef system, complete with new furniture. I made a intentional decision not to document the build because I did it on a shoestring budget (enforced by spouse), which made me cut corners in some areas that I am not comfortble giving people who don't know what they are doing the idea that it's okay to do. I mention it only because it is what is occupying my time at the moment.


you have the plans for your refugium? I just can't decide how to make mine. Water into refuge first or to skimmer or flowing to stuck.


Active Member
SCSI, seriously... is it that hard to take a couple pics of the finished product??? Come on!! We all followed the build and now have no closure...


I must say Thank You for this build. I am at the point where I will be upgrading to the exact same model and size of tank. Many of my questions and concerns have been answered by your pictures and posts.