SCSInet's 180g Reef Build!


Where did you find pvc threads that will

on to the bulkheads that came with the tank? I have been looking everywheres with 0 luck!


Is he still alive? I have questions that need answerd for the building of my tank/stand/canopy. lol I have heard, everything changes when you get married. As soon as that ring slides on it's all over... I think he's a goner...


Active Member
Originally Posted by mumbulog
Where did you find pvc threads that will

on to the bulkheads that came with the tank? I have been looking everywheres with 0 luck!
Actually the bulkheads that come with the overflow kit are slip, so you can't use threaded fittings.
I didn't pay the ridiculous prices for the AGA overflows, I just bought the bare tank and made my own overflows - so I used threaded bulkheads.
I try to use threaded bulkheads, unions, and valves whenever possible because they are so expensive. That way they can be re-used.


Active Member
As for the rest of you update hounds...
While getting married has certainly changed my life, there have been lots of things that have happened that have caused me to spend a lot less time on this board.
First the obvious.. my wife. She made the comment that all I do at night is sit in my chair with my laptop and sit on my "fish board." She had a good point, so I have spent a little more time doing interactive things and less time online. For the record, she made this comment BEFORE I was married.
Second, my dog got hit by the UPS truck a little while back. Getting her fixed took 3 surgeries and racked up $10,000 in vet bills. That stopped any new projects relating to my reef tank dead in it's tracks. I'm still paying off the debt. It also canceled the purchase of a digital camera that I needed to take decent pics of the tank. Of course the irony of the whole situation was that if I had ordered some aquarium stuff and it was being delivered, the truck would have been STOPPING in front of my house instead of zipping by and into (and over) my dog, but such is life.
Third, my department at work underwent some re-structuring and I am now unbelievably busy with work. I used to have a bit of idle time in my days, which would allow me to post and allow me to have some energy on nights and weekends to work on my tank. These days, I'm so busy at work that when I get home, all I want to do is eat dinner and go to bed.
So please don't feel bad about this thread, if you notice I haven't spent much time on these boards at all.
Now as I stated earlier, I don't have a lot of in progress pics of my tank. I was so great about taking pictures of everything as it happened but I completely fell off the truck on that one. However, what I can do is take some pictures with a digital camera of how my tank is progressing.
I'll try to do that tomorrow if that works for everyone.
I honestly am not trying to neglect you guys. You've all been patiently waiting so I should do something for you to get you up to speed.


I am sorry to hear about your dog, that really stinks. I figured a few things had happend for you to not be posting like you used to. I get the comment about getting on here just to read every day, but remind her I need to do it right the first time so I must learn as much as possible lol. Take your time, no rush on the updates. Good to hear your wife and you are ok though. Your poor dog, it's very lucky to be alive


Active Member
Okay I took a bunch of pictures as promised but they all turned out really horrible... so fuzzy in most cases you can't see what they are even of.
When photographing livestock I pretty much need to borrow my friend's Rebel, so let me try to do that this week so I can post better pics.


Active Member
I was wondering when you were going to emerge from the crevices we call matrimony.
I am so sorry to hear about your dog. Not much in this world that beats a good dog. I commend you for spending the time and money to save her.
I'm sure she will be forever grateful. Post up a pic of her when you get a chance also.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
First the obvious.. my wife. She made the comment that all I do at night is sit in my chair with my laptop and sit on my "fish board." She had a good point, so I have spent a little more time doing interactive things and less time online.
Dave,My wife said almost the exact same thing,hence I have not been on as often as I once was. My wife calls it "fish P O R N "
She says..What are you doing?? Looking at fish p o r n ???? I nod and say...Yeah,I guess so. BTW, I along with countless others MISS your expertise and seemenly endless knowledge on ANY question thrown up on the boards...especially the lighting,equipment,and DIY section. I for one want to say THANK YOU for your wisdom and your contributions to these boards.
ive enver seen anything like it. i tried to build a stand then realized i dont even own a saw. downside of living in a condo.... no need for tools


Active Member
Okay I borrowed the Rebel again so I'm taking pictures tonight.
Of course things are taking a little longer than I promised, but I am making progress.


Active Member
A guy marries a woman hoping she will never change. A woman marries a man and can't wait to change him. Been there, done that & still there.


Active Member
Okay so get this...
My wife calls me and says "What camera is it you wanted so bad?"
I said "Canon Rebel"
She says "That's what my parents are getting us for a [belated] wedding gift. Dad wants to know if we want the 10 mega pencil or the 12 mega pencil?"
"If I have a choice, the 12 mega PIXEL!"
"Oh, okay PIXEL. So I should tell him 12."

So now I'm confused. All of you have been saying how it's getting married that has caused me to never be here, but my getting married is actually going to facilitate getting the camera that will let me take some pictures...
Well I guess I just answered my own question... getting married may well be why I'm never here (I could rattle off excuses... but I'll just say don't worry, I'm not "Seeing another message board") but getting married also means I can take some pictures and at least update this thread.
PS: I never bothered to post back here, but when I borrowed the camera... dang... 2 freaking months ago... to take pictures, they didnt' give me the memory card so I was stuck again with no pics. I tried taking them with the little s30 I have but even the corals turned out so bad I wasn't going to post them. To prove it, I attached an example. I'm not even gonna bother rotating it.

So I'm ... err... we're ... supposed to get the camera on the 18th. My in-laws are gonna be in town for a bit, but once they leave I can get something taken and up on the site.


Active Member
Hope the dog is better now, and again congrats on the other thing too!!! Glad to see she has not broke your typing finger......... Yet

Congrats again on the marrage.........I am at the point I can't remember not being married anymore......

Hey Dave try for the new XTi 12.2 meg, with a 100mm Macro if you can talk someone into it......... The "Boss" got me one for Christmas, now if she would let me use it before then. But I still need to talk my son into getting me the good Macro Lens...........Warren


Active Member
It sounds like the macro I need to buy myself.

My dad has the older Rebel XT and my brother in law has an XSi. The latter is a side-business photographer so he has lots of lenses. Such was my reasoning behind wanting the rebel... I am used to using them, and I have plenty of people to borrow lenses from.
Looks like the macro lens I will have to buy myself.
To be honest though, the macro lenses confuse me. If you could PM me a link to one so I know what is "good," I'd appreciate it.
My dog is doing awesome. She's back to her old self, running and jumping around. She's back to playing with other dogs again. Her injury and my wife being out of work (funny how the latter happened right after getting married but I digress) have put a huge restriction on the advancement of my hobby, but we just got one of the two credit cards with the vet bills paid off and the other one is 0% interest, plus my wife is working again so I'm looking forward to a few... toys.
Profilux GHL Controller
Macro Lens
Denitrator (which I'm sure will cause a flurry of remarks)
Of course finances and debt first... and I probably should wait until I actually GET the camera before I buy the lens...


Active Member
He's ALIVE....
Good lord, most honeymoon's are over in a week. Sheeeeeshhh...It's about time. Good to see ur back....


Active Member
I have the XT, love it. I assume by 12 mp, yours is the XSI. That's an awesome camera. I love the IS - I still haven't bit the bullet to get the IS lens. But in your case, the stock 18-55 IS lens will do fine.. True, a macro lens would be nice too. But I would just go with the 18-55 and just look into the macro if you're not satisfied with the stock. You'll love that camera! I'm jealouse, but what I want is the 50D, someday...
Well... looking forward to pics!