SCSInet's 180g Reef Build!


Active Member
Live Rock Changes and Startup
For those of you who remember my last update... you know... the one that I did like 2 years ago...
I had built platforms out of PVC pipe that I used to support the rocks.
The platforms I concluded were too tall... causing the tank to look really stupid... like this:

It may not look that bad from the picture, but there were a couple big issues... For one thing, I had 350lbs of live rock. With the platforms, so much empty space was under the rock structures that I couldn't fit all of the rock into the tank.
Also, due to the height, I had to literally stand flat pieces on end to try to get the platforms completely covered.
While simultaneously disappointed and agigated, I removed all of the rock from the tank, causing untold amounts of filthy seawater to drip onto the carpet, despite the drop cloths and towels everywhere. This of course caused my fiance to be not disappointed but definitely agitated.

So once I had all the rock out, I pulled the PVC structure out and removed all of the platforms, leaving just the flat bottom portion. This again was to allow me to stack the rock and distribute the weight across the bottom of the tank, plus allow for stability with me wanting to keep burrowing animals like gobies and jawfish.
Once I got the rock in, I set the canopy on top and fired up the lights for the first time to see how it looked:

... ahh the blue of brand new halides... don't worry... they'll settle in and whiten up.
I was much happier with this aquascape. Aquascaping has never been my thing... I'm not artistic enough, but I wasn't unhappy with this. I got a couple of good caves in place.
Now that I had water in the tank and I was happy with the rock, I went ahead and started up the system.


Active Member
Two words... woo. hoo.
It actually ran perfectly... quiet, no leaks, good to go. Of course I had tested the entire setup with tapwater prior to bringing it into the house, but I was still relieved to see it all working in place.
Next, I fired up my pride and joy, the Deltec AP851 skimmer. For the first time I was able to see it in action... those of us who have tested a skimmer with freshwater before know that it just isn't the same as with salt...

Within 5 minutes, I was already collecting foam.



Active Member
I only had one inflow running. My next move was to get the Oceans Motions unit set up on the other inflow.
Anyone who has worked with Oceans Motions units before will tell you that their round design makes plumbing them a pain in the butt. I wanted a nice, neat setup that was unobtrusive and out of the way, and at the same time didn't put too much stress on the inflow pipe or the bulkhead below.
So here is how I solved that...
I built some holders out of acrylic that clamp onto the center supports in the tank and hold the pipes.

These were a huge, massive pain to make. The little "M" shaped pieces that clamp the pipe down too so much time to make, because each pair of them had to be exactly alike... I cut long slots in the supports so that the height of the pipes could be adjusted as needed.
But anyway, I installed it all and ended up with this:

All that came next was installing some loc-lines on the outlets and I was good to go.
I watched my ammonia levels and found that the live rock was enough to get the cycle going, so now it was just a matter of waiting...
I'm not making any promises on my next updates. The wedding is coming up in 2 months, and we are scrambling to make the rest of the centerpieces, decorations, etc and I have whole bunches of things to do to get the house ready, so I won't lie... maybe one more update between now and then.


man ur a genius. i cant belive some of the things u come up with to solve issues with ur tanks. as always its a pleasure to read ur thread
. only one possible update for the next few months... u shold push back the wedding till this thread is done !


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
I'm not making any promises on my next updates. The wedding is coming up in 2 months, and we are scrambling to make the rest of the centerpieces, decorations, etc and I have whole bunches of things to do to get the house ready, so I won't lie... maybe one more update between now and then.
There are priorities you know, such as keeping strangers you've met on the internet to talk about fish happy. I don't see what the hang up is.

btw when are you going to take the sticker off the tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
There are priorities you know, such as keeping strangers you've met on the internet to talk about fish happy. I don't see what the hang up is.

btw when are you going to take the sticker off the tank?
Technically, I've never "met" anyone here.
Once you take off the stickers, the tank is no longer new. So... never.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Technically, I've never "met" anyone here.
Once you take off the stickers, the tank is no longer new. So... never.
Sure you've met people on the "internet" but not in person.
On a more serious note, I really like your acrylic stand for the plumbing. It is a really good idea.
And I am the new rockwork looks alot better than the old rockwork.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Sure you've met people on the "internet" but not in person.
On a more serious note, I really like your acrylic stand for the plumbing. It is a really good idea.
And I am the new rockwork looks alot better than the old rockwork.
+ 1

Rock work looks really nice. Much better indeed.


Active Member
rock work looks great

It's always a pain for me to get all the rock set the way I want.
Did you end up attaching any of the rock together or is it all just laid in place loose?
I have mine just laid in but I've been thinking about attaching some of it, seems like everytime I get into the tank I end up knocking some rock around.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ameno
rock work looks great

It's always a pain for me to get all the rock set the way I want.
Did you end up attaching any of the rock together or is it all just laid in place loose?
I have mine just laid in but I've been thinking about attaching some of it, seems like everytime I get into the tank I end up knocking some rock around.
I was going to go the whole acrylic rod, zip tie, blah blah route.
Then I started taking rock out of my existing reef and found that the coraline and encrusting overgrowth really "glued" the rocks together well, so I decided it wasnt' necessary. I just have to be careful for a few months until things grow over a bit in the tank then I should be golden.


after reading the entire thread I have to say you have helped me alot. I now know how to build my canopy and stand the right way now. Thanks for posting such a detailed thread. Great IDEAS all the way around.


Active Member
Quint, your talents are unbelieveable
I am sitting here typing this staring at my 10 gal QT (that I am currently cycling for the second time) with only a few pieces of PVC and I am as jealous as all heck (jk). All I can say is "well Done". Your FBW (future beautiful wife) won't need cable or satelite TV as you will have your own piece of the ocean right in your own home. I don't even need to see fish or corals. I am amazed at your expertise with plumbing and electrical capabilities. Care to move to Florida and become my very helpful next door neighbor?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
I don't know exactly where St. Lucie is, but I try to spend as much time at Disney World as I can.

I got all excited to see more progress when I'd seen you had posted. But my excitement quickly faded. Like this smiley.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
Hey SCSI... I was wondering: Do you have your rock up against the back glass or is there a space?
All of the larger base pieces are free standing, but the smaller pieces stacked on top do touch the glass, though nothing is "leaning" on it as though it needed it for support.
I pretty much let the back glass grow over with coraline so I'm not concerned about being able to clean it.


i want to know how you plumbed that whole tank i know you had t's for extras just wondering how you did it


Quint, first great thread, Scopas Tang told me I had to read it. So from beginning to end I just did. I am in the process of designing my own pvc "rock support system". Current system is a three year old reef that is doing so well it must be fragged. When I built it I never considered getting into it and fragging. The pvc system is for rockwork to set on and being able to remove rocks for fragging without tumbling down the ones around it. You say yours was "too high". I planned for a 5 to 6 inch shelf span (tread) and uprights (risers) the same. Kind of a three step stair case from sides and front. Tank is 27 inches deep so in your opinion would the 15 to 16 inch hieght of the top tread be too high? I have mapped out repeatedly giving room to clean glass on sides, and leaving 6 - 8 inches clear in front. I to figured on three seperate sections or pieces rather than one large build.
Also I hadn't thought of topping each tread with eggcrate so that was a very nice bonus of reading this thread. Please let me know what ya think