SCSInet's 180g Reef Build!


Active Member
Since your tank thread isn't up to date with your progress, I'm bumping for another update. And btw is is possible to have a magnet that is only poled south?
No, all magnets must have both poles. The magnetic lines flow from one end to the other, so if there was only one pole, there would be no magnetic line, thus, no magnet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by almostclueless
No, all magnets must have both poles. The magnetic lines flow from one end to the other, so if there was only one pole, there would be no magnetic line, thus, no magnet.
Not necessarily true.
Theoretically, monopole particles can exist that have only one pole, but again, they are scientific theory... unproven.
Of course, this is purely an interesting factoid... I'm certain you answered his question as he intended.


Active Member
yeah, yeah... say what you want - but I think you're just trying to stall from giving us more about your tank!!


Active Member
lets get an update of a FUll tank shot...that was a good idea with the pip rock structure...i coulve used that...when ur rocks tumble it stews trouble(PISSED ME OFF)


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
Have you thought about foaming the gaps in the rock? Seems like it's a popular thing with the builds on --.
Don't know if you saw my post.
Might help with stability and aesthetics?


Active Member
Yes I did miss this... I solved the problem a different way. You'll see in the upcoming updates.


man waiting is so stressfull, kind of like watching KU play basketball. OH AND BY THE WAY IF YOU DIDN"T watch KU is playing for the national championship mon. night and they showed UNC who's the boss tonight.


Originally Posted by DANWEB
man waiting is so stressfull, kind of like watching KU play basketball. OH AND BY THE WAY IF YOU DIDN"T watch KU is playing for the national championship mon. night and they showed UNC who's the boss tonight.
They sure did!


I've been following intently SCSInet as I am a fan. I am anxious for an update. Havent started my 125 build yet, but I will be basing my canopy design off of yours.


Are you done with the next installment yet? Is your server up and running yet? I need a "fish fix". When will we see daves tanks?


Active Member
Okay guys... I've had a rough couple weeks. I got really sick with something... I'm thinking it was the flu ... which put me basically out of commission for a week. Then the contractors started working on replacing the siding on my house which kept me distracted for a while, then wedding plans are starting to mount... between showers, visits from family to "help prepare" (which one could argue actually slows me down
)... I haven't even been able to visit this site much lately.
Anyway, I've uploaded some new pics and am putting together an update now.