SCSInet's 180g Reef Build!


Oh man, I just found this thread and about died when it just stopped! Usually by the time I get to them, they are complete. I can't wait to see more of this. Awesome work
(<--- I love that banana!)


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Tool time?
No way. The things I build work... they don't blow up burn or electrocute.
I think he was refering to Wilson from tool time, they guy who allways has all the advise, but you never see his know, Wilson. Like I had said in a previouse post, Wilson.....


Active Member
Ahh... makes sense.
It's been a long day. Funnily enough, I'm watching Home Improvement as I write this. Tim's irritating Jill yet again....


Active Member
Live Rock and Sump
I'm sorry to all, I know I promised an update like 2 weeks ago then didn't do it...
I guess my credibility is damaged
I'll make it up to everyone by doing a huge update.
My next steps were to plan the live rock structuring. I wanted to be able to keep jawfish and other burrowing animals. I was worried about them causing a rock collapse by digging out sand underneath the rock. At the same time, I didn't want the rock sitting directly on the glass for fear of pressure points causing the bottom to shatter. What I decided to do was build a superstructure of PVC pipe under the sand that would distribute the weight of the rock while keeping it off the glass.
The first thing I did was to build a flat structure that sat under the sand. Then I got to thinking that it would be nice to provide an elevated shelf for the live rock to sit on, allowing for huge caves underneath the rock for fish to hang out. I built it in sections.

Here is the entire setup assembled

The whole thing is just dry fitted, I didn't use cement. I assembled it in 3 sections then put it together in the tank. Here it is in the tank.

Then I got to thinking... what happens if I have to ever remove this pipe... I'm pretty much stuck emptying out the entire tank to get the structure out of there if I ever want to change anything.
So, I redid things a little, instead assembling 3 sections. That way I don't have to empty the whole tank to get things out.


Active Member
Next, I turned my attention to the sump so I was ready to actually put water into the tank.

Drain lines installed...

Everything ready to go. I'm now offically ready for water!!!



Active Member
Next I poured in the substrate, 80lbs of aragonite to start with...

Then, some water to cover everything over. I have a filling pipe that I use for water changes that brings the water in gently so as not to disturb the substrate too much. But I had a problem. I'm in a split level house, so the garage is downstairs (where I was mixing all of the water). My mag 9.5 couldn't pump the water up and into the tank... the head height ended up stopping like 2 INCHES SHORT

I had an Iwaki 70RLT that I KNEW would do the job, but it would be a hell of a hack to get it all working and pulling water out of the barrels I was mixing in since I didn't have bulkheads and it wasn't a sumbersible pump, so I started to look elsewhere for a solution...
Because I have a split level house, I have a landing midway up the stairs for the front door. So I put 2 containers on the landing and ended up having to transfer water up to those containers, then up into the tank. What a pain in the arse. Regardless, I finally had water pumping in.



Active Member
So the next thing I did is start putting in rock. It's hard to stop and take pictures as you kind of have to keep moving, but I did get a couple.

So when all was said and done... it looked... in a word... stupid. I hated it. The shelves were way too tall, so to cover them up and prevent the pipe from showing, everything had to be stacked nearly vertically. It looked like giant rock ballons in the water, and PVC pipe was showing everywhere.
I tore it all down. That's another update.


Question - Did you buy your sump and if so can you tell me where? I'm currently setting up a 55 and don't want to build my own sump and would like to buy a nice quality one and none of my LFS have any good ones.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
So where is the picture of the tank and water?
As I was writing about it... I realized I never took pictures.
I actually used (7) 30g rubbermaid trash cans, so there wasn't any big "tank."


Active Member
Originally Posted by scsdlh34
Question - Did you build your sump and if so can you tell me where? I'm currently setting up a 55 and don't want to build my own sump and would like to buy a nice quality one and none of my LFS have any good ones.
Yes I built my sump. Where? The workshop.
hahah I assume you meant did I buy it and if so where... sorry, can't help you. However, there are several places online where guys will build you a custom sump to your specs, needless to say I can't mention the names...


Active Member
Sorry if I have missed it but how long have you been planning this and have you put the plans to paper so that you can follow it or are you just putting it together as you go? Either way it is amazing the attention to detail you have put into this build.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Sorry if I have missed it but how long have you been planning this and have you put the plans to paper so that you can follow it or are you just putting it together as you go? Either way it is amazing the attention to detail you have put into this build.
This is culmination of lessons learned. I've been addressing flaws in previous designs realized for years. No, there is no plan, just going by ideas that I've jotted down on cocktail napkins for years now, things that have run through my head as I've build older designs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
So when all was said and done... it looked... in a word... stupid. I hated it. The shelves were way too tall, so to cover them up and prevent the pipe from showing, everything had to be stacked nearly vertically. It looked like giant rock ballons in the water, and PVC pipe was showing everywhere.
I tore it all down. That's another update.

I was wondering, when I first saw the pvc setup, if you were going to be able to hide all that.