Sea Hare


Active Member
Anyone have any ideas where I can get a Sea Hare? I looked at my LFS and they said they have one, but it's a blue spotted sea hare... which from everything I've been reading isn't going to eat the hair algae I need it to eat... it'll eat chato or whatever it is.


Sparty...I just did a google on them....and all I could find was people raving about how quicky they ate their HA

Check with your lfs and ask him if they will take it back when your HA is gone.....REMEMBER ... they will starve afterwards


Active Member
I ended up "renting" one. I asked them and they said they'll accept it back for store credit when I have no use for him anymore. So that's good. My question here is when I move him from acclimating to my tank, can he be exposed to air for a few seconds or is he similar to how a sponge works and can't be exposed to air for even a second?
One other question, can I pick him up bare handed? Or should I use a fish net to pick him up?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Sparty059 http:///forum/thread/382527/sea-hare#post_3339324
I ended up "renting" one. I asked them and they said they'll accept it back for store credit when I have no use for him anymore. So that's good. My question here is when I move him from acclimating to my tank, can he be exposed to air for a few seconds or is he similar to how a sponge works and can't be exposed to air for even a second?
One other question, can I pick him up bare handed? Or should I use a fish net to pick him up?

Shalom Stranger!
As for your question...EEEEWWWW I think they are to ugly too handle unless you have gloves..hope it helps with the HA...renting..HaHa


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/382527/sea-hare#post_3339339
Originally Posted by Sparty059
I ended up "renting" one. I asked them and they said they'll accept it back for store credit when I have no use for him anymore. So that's good. My question here is when I move him from acclimating to my tank, can he be exposed to air for a few seconds or is he similar to how a sponge works and can't be exposed to air for even a second?
One other question, can I pick him up bare handed? Or should I use a fish net to pick him up?

Shalom Stranger!
As for your question...EEEEWWWW I think they are to ugly too handle unless you have gloves..hope it helps with the HA...renting..HaHa
Shalom! :)
Haha, I thought so myself. I read in other posts on other boards that people picked them up by hand without worrying... but I just used my fish net. However, he wouldn't let go for the life of him. Finally I got him to let loose but he took a tumble on some rocks and landed on the sand bed. However, he made his way atop the rock and is veturing VERY slowly. Everyone in the tank seems a bit confused on what he is. They've been taking a close look at him while keeping their distance... but he's surely under their microscope at the moment. He seems to be doing fine, and at first his back was opening up rather quickly and large (which meant he was either very stressed, or very excited... my guess is with the first... stressed). But now it's not happening as much. Hopefully as the week progresses I'll see his back openening up while he is chomping on the hair algae!
Flower, by the way, I'm going to send you a PM, I don't know if you had a chance to take a look at my other thread... it's not the news you'll be looking for though...


I own a sea hare, I actually like the thing; so ugly its cute. we named it shrek because of the antlers. It hasn't seemed to mind when I have had to pick it up out of the aquarium to move, and when he wants to will actually zip around the is funny though when they try to climb the glass as the thing is so heavy it just slides back down the glass.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dmanatee http:///forum/thread/382527/sea-hare#post_3339349
I own a sea hare, I actually like the thing; so ugly its cute. we named it shrek because of the antlers. It hasn't seemed to mind when I have had to pick it up out of the aquarium to move, and when he wants to will actually zip around the is funny though when they try to climb the glass as the thing is so heavy it just slides back down the glass.
Haha, what type do you have? I'm looking all over and reading that the blue dotted sea hares do eat algae, and then people saying they don't. Now that you say that, it does remind me of shrek. I was looking at it and saying those ears look familiar, I just can't think of what it is! Funny though. How long have you had yours for? My LFS rep said one MIGHT be enough for since I have a 150G I might even be able to use two. He obviously isn't trying to over sell me since I said I would return them once they are done doing with they need to do... but he did say just to start with one and see from there. I've also read that the Blue Dotted Sea Hare won't get to be anything larger than 4 inches... Is that true?


this is the one I have (aka shrek) I think he is a dolabella Sea hare which from what I have read you can keep them in your tank after you run out of hair algeas provided you will supplement their diet with ulva or other natural sea algas. Its going to take a while for me.



Sparty....I'm a little late to this party...LOL....BUT......I handled my sea hare....slimey little suckers...LOL...REALLY you do not want to handle things too much though
I AM really glad your lfs will "rent" you one too


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/382527/sea-hare#post_3339378
Sparty....I'm a little late to this party...LOL....BUT......I handled my sea hare....slimey little suckers...LOL...REALLY you do not want to handle things too much though
I AM really glad your lfs will "rent" you one too
That's what I've read. I'm probably going to keep him until he finishes all the HA and then place him in the refugium to clean all the cyano out. I've read they will eat all types of algae so he should be able to clean up my whole tank HOPEFULLY! *Fingers Crossed*


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Sparty059 http:///forum/thread/382527/sea-hare#post_3339386
Originally Posted by meowzer
Sparty....I'm a little late to this party...LOL....BUT......I handled my sea hare....slimey little suckers...LOL...REALLY you do not want to handle things too much though
I AM really glad your lfs will "rent" you one too
That's what I've read. I'm probably going to keep him until he finishes all the HA and then place him in the refugium to clean all the cyano out. I've read they will eat all types of algae so he should be able to clean up my whole tank HOPEFULLY! *Fingers Crossed*
I hope he helps you out Sparty. Cyano is actually a bacteria, but if he'll eat it then that's a bonus. Must be nice to rent livestock lol. Nobody down here wants to give you credit for anything, but they sure will be happy to take it off of your hands for free.


WELL....remember....cyano is NOT an is a bacteria....and I had a sea hare....and cyano....I do not think it will eat that
just siphon out constantly the will make a good meal of the HA though


Active Member
So, what I had thought was going to happen... indeed happened. The sea hare I bought (Blue Spotted Sea Hare) isn't known to eat HA. In fact they are a type of sea hare you typically have to spot feed. When I went to the LFS the guy said, yeaaaah he'll eat it... start out with just one right now, but just know we have more in case you need to get more. Well, last night I came home and he was shriveled up sitting on my rock. I picked him up because he was looking rather pathetic and I placed him on the glass hoping he would latch on possibly start eating some of the glass algae. Well after latching on for about 3 minutes he called it quits and I'm assuming died. I called up my store and they said bring him in and they'll take a look at it and see if they can't resolve the situation. Well, needless to say when I took him in he was flopping around in the water in the bag lifeless. Has this would have been any other type of invert that I paid $3 for I would have said oh well... however, the $26 I paid for this little thing, wasn't going to justify it's less than 48 hour life span. So they gave me store credit. When I brought him in though we were looking at him and it looked like his back was breaking apart. If they don't eat and are starving do they typically deteriorate? I don't have really anything that would pick at it and actually put a hole in it (2 clowns, 5 cardinals, 1 blenny... however, I was starting to wonder about my emerald crab...). If the crab was bothering it to the point of putting a gash in its back, then wouldn't it have released the ink as a defense mechanism? Hopefully they were able to help it out though, it didn't look like it was completely gone when I had left the store, but it wasn't looking too strong.


Active Member
Have you eliminated all nutrient sources that is fueling your HA?
I had a small bout with it, not as much as I saw in your tank pic, but enough to be irksome.
I have 0 phosphates and 0 nitrates but still had HA.
I finally concluded that the folks here may, just may, know what they are talking about and started rinsing my frozen food well. The past month-ish of rinsing the food, my HA has gone from irksome to an afterthought.
Nothing changed except the elimination of nutrient added with the frozen food.


Sometimes they just don't acclimate well either.....
I had the same thing happen with a sea-hare.....ALTHO...I told you I have read that they DO eat HA