Sea Hare


Active Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/382527/sea-hare#post_3339902
Have you eliminated all nutrient sources that is fueling your HA?
I had a small bout with it, not as much as I saw in your tank pic, but enough to be irksome.
I have 0 phosphates and 0 nitrates but still had HA.
I finally concluded that the folks here may, just may, know what they are talking about and started rinsing my frozen food well. The past month-ish of rinsing the food, my HA has gone from irksome to an afterthought.
Nothing changed except the elimination of nutrient added with the frozen food.
I'm missing the whole idea of rinsing it then. How would I rinse it? When I take it out of the package I put it in a cup and fill the cup up with tank water to let it become liquid instead of frozen. Is that not the right way of doing it? Should I leave it frozen and just drop it in? How would I rinse it without losing everything? My nitrates are indeed 0, I haven't checked the phosphates... I could check that one of these days at the store.
Originally Posted by meowzer
Sometimes they just don't acclimate well either.....
I had the same thing happen with a sea-hare.....ALTHO...I told you I have read that they DO eat HA
Meowzer, everything I read about the blue spotted sea hare their kind doesn't eat HA. They're part of the bursatella crew which are typically known for their stylish appeal, and not ideal for eating HA. Where as the the dolabella will eat it. I may have it mixed around. Regardless, I've been reading in more places than not that the blue spotted sea hare will not eat as well as the other if at all. That clearly was the case with mine. He went in the tank fine, he was a bit stressed at first, but then his back hole wasn't opening up as much... he moved around just fine and was doing ok for the first day or so, but not eating, just moving around.


Active Member
I think I use the method most often mentioned here, or close to it. Will others please edit/revise this?
I put the cube portion in a cup along with some tank water. Once thawed, I gently stir the food to put any junk in suspension. Then I pour the contents into a fish net and allow to drain. I then return the thawed food, sans water, to the cup. I can then add more tank water if needed to slowly add the to the tank by pouring or by eyedropper (in my case).
If you swirl the food in the water that it has thawed in, you will see a lot of milkyness. This is the stuff you want down your drain, not in your tank....I think....
lols when i went to key west once and i was walking by the rocks on the shore there was something like you guys are was about 10 inches it looked like it had a line going down its whole back .....,.. i dont know what urged me...... but i grabbed was soft and squishy lols....... the moment i touched it it shot out purple black "ink" lols later i found a smaller one and took it to show my parrents (love the sea life over there!)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/382527/sea-hare/20#post_3339965
I think I use the method most often mentioned here, or close to it. Will others please edit/revise this?
I put the cube portion in a cup along with some tank water. Once thawed, I gently stir the food to put any junk in suspension. Then I pour the contents into a fish net and allow to drain. I then return the thawed food, sans water, to the cup. I can then add more tank water if needed to slowly add the to the tank by pouring or by eyedropper (in my case).
If you swirl the food in the water that it has thawed in, you will see a lot of milkyness. This is the stuff you want down your drain, not in your tank....I think....
Slice, I could be very wrong but, wouldn't that just remove ALL of the food? When I put the cube (1/2 cube) in my cup, I get an "eyedropper" as well and suck water out of the tank and put it in the cup to fill the cup up about 1/3 of the way. Once the cube is thawed enough I stir it around and that causes every little thing in there to break up. If I were to dump that through a fish net everything would make its way through. I can't recall the name of the brand I'm using, but it's the type of food with everything in it blended up and frozen into a cube. If it's so small that it can fit through the net with everything else, then how can I really filter the bad stuff out?
If I'm doing something wrong let me know. I'd like to get rid of the algae as soon as possible and this sounds like this could be a reason for the HA so the sooner I understand what you mean, the sooner I can right this wrong on my end.


I also place my cubes in a small container, thaw in water, and drain in a SMALL fish net.....the food is not that fine, so it will not get thru the net
ALSO....I googled blue spotted sea hare....I read the first 5 or so things, and they all sais it ate HA


Active Member
I suppose it depends on the mesh of your net, mine is very fine and nothing but the milky water goes through. I think it was mentioned here that the net needs to be a fine one...forgot that little detail....
I would like someone else to add to this...
oh, meowzer did, and of course, beat me to it


Active Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/382527/sea-hare/20#post_3339983
I suppose it depends on the mesh of your net, mine is very fine and nothing but the milky water goes through. I think it was mentioned here that the net needs to be a fine one...forgot that little detail....
I would like someone else to add to this...
oh, meowzer did, and of course, beat me to it
Well, I have to feed them tonight, so I guess I'll give that a shot. I guess it can't hurt to waste one cube if that's the end result for me. I'll make sure first that the net is fine and not very open. How would I get the food out of the net after? Just flip it inside out and place it back in the cup?
Originally Posted by meowzer
I also place my cubes in a small container, thaw in water, and drain in a SMALL fish net.....the food is not that fine, so it will not get thru the net
ALSO....I googled blue spotted sea hare....I read the first 5 or so things, and they all sais it ate HA

Like I said, I've read some places say they do eat, but I've also read just as many saying they're the picky ones and typically don't eat. I could be wrong, but based off of personal experience I would say they aren't great GHA eaters. But like I said, I could be wrong. My LFS guy told me I can use a toothbrush and it'll grab the HA really easily so I'll try that tonight or sometime this week. I'm hoping to at least shorten it down enough to allow the turbo snails a feast of their own. Recently, I've been catching my blenny ripping parts of the long HA off the rock trying to do his part.


Originally Posted by Sparty059 http:///forum/thread/382527/sea-hare/20#post_3340005
Well, I have to feed them tonight, so I guess I'll give that a shot. I guess it can't hurt to waste one cube if that's the end result for me. I'll make sure first that the net is fine and not very open. How would I get the food out of the net after? Just flip it inside out and place it back in the cup?
YES.....If you do not have a net small enough....the small fish net they sell at Walmart is the one I use
Like I said, I've read some places say they do eat, but I've also read just as many saying they're the picky ones and typically don't eat. I could be wrong, but based off of personal experience I would say they aren't great GHA eaters. But like I said, I could be wrong. My LFS guy told me I can use a toothbrush and it'll grab the HA really easily so I'll try that tonight or sometime this week. I'm hoping to at least shorten it down enough to allow the turbo snails a feast of their own. Recently, I've been catching my blenny ripping parts of the long HA off the rock trying to do his part.
LOL....Just be don;t want it floating all over your tank......I had a massive amount of HA on the back wall of my 10G....I put 2 turbos in, and it is almost all soon as it is, I will put the turbos in one of my other tanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sparty059 http:///forum/thread/382527/sea-hare/20#post_3340005
I'll make sure first that the net is fine and not very open. How would I get the food out of the net after? Just flip it inside out and place it back in the cup?
What I do is stretch the net tight over the cup (actually, I use a shot glass) and hold the net tight on the cup while inverted and letting the liquid drain. Then I rotate upright the whole thing while the net is still tight on the cup and give the taunt net a little thump or two with my finger until the food is flung back into the cup.


Active Member
Of course as usual, all doubts should have gone out the window from the start. I got home, thawed out some food, looked at my net, looked at the bottom of the glass... looked at the net again, and raised a brow and said, well, it's just half a cube that I'll end up losing... oh well. Much to my disbeliefe it worked! When I fed them I decided I should shut down all my powerheads on the left side of the tank (the side I was feeding on) and dropped it in bit by bit. I will say this was quite possibly the clearest feeding I have EVER had since I started feeding them. No cloud, no NOTHING... Just... FOOD! You've convinced me, and this will be the way I feed from here on out!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Sparty059 http:///forum/thread/382527/sea-hare/20#post_3340049
Of course as usual, all doubts should have gone out the window from the start. I got home, thawed out some food, looked at my net, looked at the bottom of the glass... looked at the net again, and raised a brow and said, well, it's just half a cube that I'll end up losing... oh well. Much to my disbeliefe it worked! When I fed them I decided I should shut down all my powerheads on the left side of the tank (the side I was feeding on) and dropped it in bit by bit. I will say this was quite possibly the clearest feeding I have EVER had since I started feeding them. No cloud, no NOTHING... Just... FOOD! You've convinced me, and this will be the way I feed from here on out!

Another satisfied customer!


Active Member
Hmmm... I'm going to need a while to conjure something up to disagree with you guys on again so you guys can yet again prove me wrong! To be continued.........!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Slice http:///forum/thread/382527/sea-hare/20#post_3339965
I think I use the method most often mentioned here, or close to it. Will others please edit/revise this?
I put the cube portion in a cup along with some tank water. Once thawed, I gently stir the food to put any junk in suspension. Then I pour the contents into a fish net and allow to drain. I then return the thawed food, sans water, to the cup. I can then add more tank water if needed to slowly add the to the tank by pouring or by eyedropper (in my case).
If you swirl the food in the water that it has thawed in, you will see a lot of milkyness. This is the stuff you want down your drain, not in your tank....I think....
I would use plain water not saltwater to thaw the food. The salt from the tank water will do something to the food maybe dehydrate it. I'm not sure, but this was what Bang recommended to do.


I use both, depends how lazy I'm being, but honestly, a good 85% of the time, I defrost in tank water. I barely even rinse anymore I'm so lazy.
WOW, I can't believe I just admitted that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/382527/sea-hare/20#post_3340168
I use both, depends how lazy I'm being, but honestly, a good 85% of the time, I defrost in tank water. I barely even rinse anymore I'm so lazy.
WOW, I can't believe I just admitted that.
I'm sure there are plenty of things we all do that we either don't admit to or don't want to admit to. My list seems to be growing by the day.