Sea shells


Hey All,
I just got back from a trip to Texas, and while I was down there I went to Galveston Island (very beautiful I might add!) and found a few really cool shells on the beach. Now I was wondering if I can clean them up some how and put them in my tank. And if so how do I go about it. My tank is not yet started but nearing the time when I will start cycling it. Thanks alot!

bang guy

Bleach (10:1 with water) will clean them very well. Then rinse (a lot!). A fwe drops of declorinator will not hurt after the chlorine rinse.


Just plain old water won't work. I tried that after coming back fro Cancun and my FW tank was cloouuudy beyond belief. So i took them out and a friend told me to use straight bleach and soak them in it for 24 hrs and then rinse them. Haven't had a chance to put them back in yet because i still need to rinse them some more (if you can smell bleach on them, you haven't rinsed them enough) but i'll let you know as soon as i do.