Sea Snakes!!!!!!!


Well i went out of town and had a friend look after my tank. he knows that i go and collect all of my live stock from the ocean. i told him not to because there are many things that you need to know about...blah blah blah.
i got home and he said that he put an "eel" in my tank a week ago. he explained that it want more than 10" long, no wider than a bic pen, and perfectly barred black and white, and when he put him in the guy went directly intothe sand.
well ive lost 10 fish since then
2- bright eye damsels
5- (juvenile) domino damsels
2- barred seargents
1- hawaiian spotted puffer
i need to get this bugger out, and quick. the problem is that he is burrowed in the sand of my tank and i dont want to agitate the sand too much. aaaaaaaahhhhhhh! any advice? id love to know.
ps. these buggers are 10 times more poisionous than rattle snakes, and still breath oxygen.........meaning he can crawl out and get my kids!


Active Member
i saw a thing on animal planet about these guys. What does your friend have to say?
i suggest you make him stick his arm in the tank and take it out by hand!! Jk... how much room do you have in your tank? You can buy a minow trap at a fishing store or wall mart or something, bait it, and hell most likely get caught. They are pretty much a wire mesh cylinder with a little hole on the end that goes in like a cone. They make eel trapps too that look exactly the same, but they are like 3 feet long... so i dont think you want to do that. The minnow trapps are like a foot and a half to two feet. Dont know if you have that much room though.


really a minnow trap? is that what it is called? i will start searching for one. i was going to go for the BBQ tonges. i dont think straight while


Active Member
Have you ever seen the video entitled "Coral Reef Adventure"? I don't remember the name of the snake, but that is definitely the one in the video and is a distant relative to the Cobra. In the wild, they generally leave humans alone, but confined...hmmmm...I wouldn't want to mess with it... :notsure:. Really sorry about your tank, that stinks. So, is he still your friend? :mad:
Lisa :happyfish


I would offer to come and catch it for you but since I am in Kentucky it sounds like you are on your own with this one. That is one ugly creature. BTW I am scared of anything that crawls on its belly :eek: Its not right!!! :eek: I can't have an eel because I am creeped out by them. That is one friend I would have to take to the wood shed and only one of us would come back

BTW sorry about your loss....but I think everyone on the board will stand behind ya as you catch that thing.....just stand from a distance.


I told "the kid" (no longer goes by the title...friend) that he killed the equivalent of $100.00 of fish. he said "well you caught them so it doesnt matter.?" i said well lets divide the time out...i make$XXX.XX an hour. it took me XX hours to catch those fish and doing the math thats a hellufalot more than $100.00. im not too big of a jerk so i will just take the loss, and have a time catching it.
fishiness...i ordered a minnow trap from that big auction site. no body locally carries them. (remember im on an island) but he guaranteed 2 day shipping. that cost a bunch more but will be worth it.
oh and i can see on the fish that are left.....strange bite marks. i thought that they were from my crabs, or other fish but it is all making sence now.
any other suggestions on removing the bugger. i want to try before the trap comes in.


Active Member
Sea snakes are the most venemous animals in the world capable of injecting venom into human skin. You need to call animal control bro, one bite and you are dead before you dial 911.


well mud you are making me feel much better about this whole situation.
itchy...get a net....get a bucket.....and dump the bugger into the tank.
he thought it was an eel. it was skinnier than a bic pen and about two bics in length. i ve been reading. they wont come after me, and dont normally bite unless provoked. so i might provoke it, then stick it in with all of his prized puppies that were just born..............damn that sounds mean.


Active Member
forget how he got it in the tank... how the hell did he catch it?!!!... and by the way, i hope you got a minow trap with realy skinny holes on the side so he cant get out.... and i suggest tieing it to a rope through thoe holes in the top when taking it out of the tank once hes in there. He seems to like live, you may have to sacrafice one more of your fish, but you can try dead foods. that will probably work. and i forgot your on an island. but i did know at one point. lol. good luck. but mudplayerx is right, animal control would be a good idea, if you have one of the island


Active Member
Maybe you need to take Mud's advice and call animal control. Can you get your other fish out and maybe take the tank apart so AC would be able to get it? Wow...
Seriously, I can't imagine...
Lisa :happyfish


what if....uh.....i dont want ....uh .....(especially not) animal control anywhere near my tank!? lol
ive done more reading and people handle these things with their hands in the philipines all day long. and this guy is tiny.....maybe ill attach some freaky pics to put this back into frame......dang now im freaked out!
these are the big ones....(again, "mine" is only the length of two bic pens)
then look at the genius with it in his hand!?



Active Member
im pretty sure they do all of there feeding at night, so maybe once u get the trap, bait it and turn off the lights and have an all night stake out ready with flashlights,and nets.


ophiura....i had to kill aiptasia the other day. would boiling lemon juice work? i tried it a while ago and last night i had three that grew. i was more careful getting rid of those guys.
now wouldnt animal control mess my tank up big time. i always figure that the pro's screw up more than they fix. im going to tuff it out and try first. then go for more drastic measures. hey i always wanted a bigger tank. with all my stuff out in rubbermaids......................maybe i just might have to upgrade.........then get served.(divorce papers)


Okay dragonfli, here is the thing....The crocodile hunter handles wild animals everyday on TV doesn't mean we should do it!!! But the other thing is if you call animal control can you get in trouble for these things? Can you get in legal trouble for having things out of the ocean? (and I mean by catching things yourself) When we were in Hawaii they were very interrested in knowing if I had anything from the ocean that I was bringing back into the states. If you can get in trouble then it might be worth trying to catch it yourself ....within reason of course. Just a thought :notsure:


Active Member
If he's eating all of your precious fish, get rid of him, but just be careful doing it!! if you can, go and rent the video I told you about. Those snakes will not attack humans, and actually one of the women in the film is playing with one much like the pic you posted, but they also say that these distant relatives of the cobras...nothing I would want to deal with. Best of luck to you...
Lisa :happyfish


NO IM ALL LEGAL. but maybe there is something that i have missed in reading about allof the legalities. but im gonna try to catch it myself. i love a good adventure. and a good story surroundong of my tank.
i own a retail store in a little town on oahu, and the locals love my fishing stories. octopus eating my hand, eels charging me, sharks, and why not put with those big stories a story about a sea snake the size of a pencil, that i was afraid of more than allof the above.