I have a great story...when we were snorkling in Maui at Ka'anapauli beach my husband got bit by a stars and stripes puffer on the thumb. We were feeding the fish as this is a big thing along the shore line there. The puffer was about 18 inches long and almost as big around...anyway he was huge. All I could see was my husband swimming to shore as fast as he could and this HUGE 18 inch puffer right behind to hear him tell the story the puffer was the size of jaws. However the bite was thru his thumb nail almost to the bone. People here in Kentucky love that story but the only stars and stripes puffer you see here might be 8 inches so of course they laugh.
A little off topic here but yeah I am sure there will be stories for days about this will have to keep us posted. Just be sure to give us a deadline incase we don't hear from you and we can contact animal control.....