SeaChem De-Nitrate - Does it work? Any Experiences?


Active Member
I bought some, and have it in a pouch in my filter. I haven't noticed any difference so far. Been about a week and a half.
Did I waste my money on it? Or am I being impatient?
Anyone ever used it before?

aqua blue

Seems like I remember reading something about the flow rate, of the water going through the "de-nitrate", needing to be below 50 gallons per hour to be effective. That may be on the side of the container or I may be wrong. Just something to check. I thought I read that when I was thinking about trying that. I have not tried it yet.
I hope it works out for you. :)


Have not tried it, but...
I believe those products are designed to provide an area of low oxygen flow for bacteria to exist that reduce nitrates. The bacteria would need to seed it before it had any effect. I'm not sure that a week and a half is enough time for that to take place.
Denitrators work in a similar fashion requiring a very low flow rate through the unit. Those units require a separate feed via a pump or a branch off system. I can't tell you if they work either.
Please let us know if it works out for you.