Seachem Kalkwasser

red tiger

I want to start using Seachem Kalkwasser but not 100% sure on how to use. It MUST be dripped only correct? Or can only be used in Kalk Reactor?
I have a Euphillya tank that is very thirsty and think Kalk may help.

red tiger

Yes i have tested, i do 25% WC weekly on Friday's using reef crystals and by Tue/Wed my levels are very low, as of today my paramaters are:
Calcium @ 350
dKH @ 8.1
Mag @ 1150
pH @ 8.1
Is there something i can buy that doses it that works or just DIY canister with air valve and air tubing?

bang guy

It can be dripped in. How much was your starting dosage?
There is another way called the Slurry Method. I'm not a fan of it at all but some people have reported success using it.

red tiger

I haven't yet, That's why i wanna know what you guys have experienced.
This will be going in my 40g breeder frag tank with 29g sump. Total volume about 55 g

red tiger

Someone mentioned calcium reactor, but the startup cost is expensive, adding limewater seems a more inexpensive alternative

bang guy

Down the road, if you find limewater is insufficient, you can add on a Calcium reactor and use both. They complement each other well.

red tiger

For now, I'll do a DIY Kalk Drip using a air valve and do a drip every 3-4 Sec, Test and monitor pH and see how that goes