Seachem products - the best?


Have been reading all over the net and came across several posts/sites where the consensus seems to be that Seachem if probably the best products company for marine hobbyists.
Anyone agree, disagree?


def agree. There buffers and calcium work 1000 times better than kents water downed products.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
IMO their salt and marine buffers contain too much Borate.
Yes, they contain more Borate than other products, but this was supposed to be benificial, I forget why...


Reply From Sea Chem:
Borate has two primary advantages. 1)Borate is a source of buffering
alkalinity that unlike carbonates/bicarbonates will not be rapidly
removed through routes unrelated to buffering. Carbonate loss occurs
through biological utilization (and atmospheric equilibration to a
lesser extent) in addition to the loss that normally occurs through
its contributino to buffering. None of this is "bad", this is simply
how carbonates are supposed to function, but in a closed system like
an aquarium there is a greater risk of reaching a dangerously low
level of buffering capacity (as opposed to an open system like the
ocean). Borate alkalinity provides that "safety net", so even if all
of the carbonate alkalinity were depleted, there would still be
borate alkalinity functioning to prevent a disaster.
The second advantage in a reef system is that borate is involved in
competitive ion pairing with calcium. This has an overall net effect
of increasing the calcium stability in the system in comparison to a
system that had 0 borate and had 100% carbonate alkalinity. This
helps prevent precipitative loss of calcium as calcium carbonate as
well as allowing one to maintain a higher level of calcium (if they
so desire, i.e. one can go higher with less risk of calcium carbonate
precipitative loss).

bang guy

It also makes it more difficult for corals to use Calcium and can slow growth. In my opinion there are no advantages to having Borate higher the NSW for a reef tank regardless of what their advertising claims and I also believe it is detrimental to reef tanks.
Perhaps there's some benefit for fish only tanks.


Personally I got to stick up for kent. I can get good deals on kent where I work, but beyond that, for the price I think they are the best. I can not speak to their buffer specifically, but their kalkwasser has always done the job for me, and I have a lot of delicates in my tank. Also I love Marc Wiess products, even if most of them jack up nitrates.


Active Member
Yep, I really like Kent and Marc Weiss' products as well. I love Kent's Super dkH buffer. I started using it when I realized that SeaChem's buffer was not really doing anything for my tank.
hedonic, why do you say Marc Weiss' stuff raises nitrates? What products specifically?


Their Sand bed stuff, and well... I guess thats really all I know about personally. I have heard that his 'black powder' will to. I think its because it is all organic and so breaks down quicker, which is better for corals as it is more bio-available, but has that double-edged sword to it. The sand bed stuff was my own fault, I just over dosed, but it is easier to blame the product. :)


from my experience kent super buffer does not raise my alk more than 10 and the liquid calcium is bunk.


Active Member
Seachem was the only product that allowed me to get my ca and alk up and in check. i still use Kent products too like garlic xtreme and magnesium.


Active Member
I use Arm and Hammer baking soda to buff ph & Mrs. Wage's pickling lime to maintain alk/ph/calcium.

For calcium I use Purpleup.