seaclone 100


Active Member
Originally Posted by jackri
I've said it before --- HATED the seaclone I had... why should you have to wait 2-3 weeks to break it in.. and again when you clean it?
Mine was a pain, bubbled out the top and dirtied the wall (HOB vs in the sump now). If you have nothing else to compare them to... welll then you just won't know any better :)
A few bucks more you can get a quality one.... a skimmer is one place in a saltwater tank NOT to skimp on IMO.
Yes, they do "work" --- sort of some of the time
Well, here we go again! Some people have had good experiences with the Seaclone (like me) and some haven't. I bought an Aqua C Remora w/maxijet 1200 and my experience with that unit is that it was a total POS. I know that others have used that skimmer with sucess so I don't know why some equipment works for some people, but not for others. If yours was bubbling out the top, then it wasn't set up or adjusted properly-that's a classic symptom of way too much air in the intake. I speak from about 3 years experience and for me it has been great! Even after major cleanings, it starts right back working in a day or two. Is it a PITA with maintenance? Can be, if you don't like to do maintenance (such as clean the foam prefilter, adjust the air bleed, do major cleanings a couple of times a year) on your SW tank. That being said, if you don't like maintenance than you are in the wrong hobby.
The fact is that the Seaclone does remove a lot of dark nasty stuff from my 55gal tank, is reliable, and well, just keeps on working day in, and day out.
P.S. Don't mean this aa a flame! Just trying to show that the Seaclone does work, and work well, for people. I'm not claiming that it is better than any other unit out there though but I am not going to toss something that does work for me.