Seahorse and current?


Is it possible to have a seahorse in a reeftank, or would the current be too strong for them. What is a good turnover (gallons pumped per hour by powerheads / gallons of tank) for seahorses?

darth tang

Active Member
In a standard reef it isn't possible. But you can make a seahorse tank with some corals. But you have to watch you put in with them. The ideal turn over rate is 5 times. No more than seven, but some have done as high as ten with decent results.


no u cant put them in a reef because they cant compete for food against other fish. Its good to set up a tank for just seahorses if u really want them.
heres a good site for seahorses


plus many corals will sting the seahorses. they use grasses and plants as anchors, not corals.

darth tang

Active Member
Here is a list of Reef Items (corals and mushrooms) that would be safe for seahorses. If it isn't on this list, then don't do it.
Clove Polyps
Finger Leather
Kenya Tree Coral
Leather coral
Photosynthetic Gorgonians
Pulse Coral
Button Polyps
Candy Coral
Colorful Sea Rod
Corky Sea Finger
Green Star Polyps
Ivory Coral
Mushroom Corals
Nonphotosynthetic Gorgonians
Pagoda Cup Coral
Raspberry Coral
Toadstool Leather
Waving-hand Coral


yes, those are all good for seahorses, but seahorses aren't necessarily good for all of them. Seahorses latch onto things with their tails (these are known as hitching posts). Any branching coral is a good hitching post, but if you have photosynthetic ones, such as gorgonias, the seahorses will hitch onto it, and eventually kill it by depriving it of light. I'd say the easiest way to maintain a seahorse tank is to have only fake decorations (except maybe mushrooms). This way, your tank itself is low maintenance. Seahorses are such high maintenance creatures that they require a lot of time. It would be even more time consuming to have live corals as well... just my opinion. That's how my seahorse tank is setup anyway...

darth tang

Active Member
I agree with that for the most part. I just don't see a seahorse killing a photosynthetic gorgonian or coral. Crabs and snails climb on these regularly. It would be the same thing.


i haven't had direct experience with that, i was just told to stay away from gorgonias because the seahorses take a real liking to them, and they "smother" the gorgonia. I heard it from several people i trust, a few being from this website, before i got my seahorse tank, so i didn't take the risk at all.


darth tang

Active Member
I suppose it would also depend on how many horses you have. One or two I can't see uit happenning, but more than that, then yeah, I agree....especially if they all hitch on the same gorgonian.


yeah. They say to stock the seahorses at a pair for every 10-15 gallons (depending on the species), so most of the time, there's a number of seahorses in one tank (they like being in large groups)...


darth tang

Active Member
I always run under the recommended minimum. I have only two in a 55. Maybe I will get two more later.....but wanted to see how things went.


that's what i did too. what kind of seahorses do you have? i have 6 erectus. They're awesome, and by far my fav. animal in my house... i have a lot of animals...

darth tang

Active Member
I have 2 Reidi. One male one female. Not really my girlfriend wanted them...and what she wants...she gets. I just have to take care of them. I like watching them....but my aggressive tank is my thing.
Don't get me wrong I like the seahorses. I think I will be more into that tank once I add more to it as far as seahorses. Plus I just lost the engineer goby I had in it. I have had that fish for over two was my favorite as I grew attached to him. Without him in the tank it isn't the same now.


awe, i'm sorry to hear about your loss. I just recently got an engineer goby in my FOWLR tank. I love him!
Seahorses are just so fascinating to me. I could stay and watch them for hours... i do sometimes... lol.
Most girls get what they want... it's an unfair world if you ask me... lol.
What all do you have in your agressive tank? I plan on getting a 250-300 gallon agressive with sharks and rays, a few tangs, emporor angel, and some other fish i'm not quite sure about... any suggestions???

darth tang

Active Member
My 140 right now has a Panther Grouper, Neon velvet Damsel and a bird wrasse. I plan on adding an eel and maybe a tang or emperor angel.
This winter I am setting up a 500 gallon shark pond in what is suppossed to be my dining room. It is cheaper than buying a 500 gallon acrylic or glass aquarium. 500 gallon rubber horse trough for about 500 dollars versus 3000 minimum. Then I will build a wood stand around it and tile it up real nice so it looks built into the house.


i had a seahorse come on my live rock and it's in with a queen, maroon, fiji blue devil damsel, powder brown tang, and a cherub angel. all these fish are aggressive feeders so i spot feed the seahorse. the seahorse is doing great and has been doing so for the last 3 months. eats like a pig and i got a piece of fake coral in front for him to latch onto while he feeds.


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
My 140 right now has a Panther Grouper, Neon velvet Damsel and a bird wrasse. I plan on adding an eel and maybe a tang or emperor angel.
This winter I am setting up a 500 gallon shark pond in what is suppossed to be my dining room. It is cheaper than buying a 500 gallon acrylic or glass aquarium. 500 gallon rubber horse trough for about 500 dollars versus 3000 minimum. Then I will build a wood stand around it and tile it up real nice so it looks built into the house.
That's the most amazing idea i've ever heard!!!!

And you got a seahorse as a hitchiker??? I'm sooo jealous... paid $60 for mine...


I paid $35 each for my kudas... one recently died though

However, seahorse hitchhiker???? WHAT????
Good for you, but that's insane and violates like every rule of reality!!! (I'm not even doubting you, just saying wow)

darth tang

Active Member
A hitchhiker horse defies the laws of oceanic nature. I would love to know how it survived.
My Reidi cost forty a piece (captive berd)