Seastar ID?


New Member
I found this seastar in the surf at Daytona Beach on thursday, the pictures aren't great, but can anyone ID it for me please?



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BeachScanner
the pictures aren't great
I'd say... I can't even see them. lol
You have to be careful about adding anything from the beach into your tank. At least make sure you quarantine first.


Originally Posted by 2Quills
Just teasin...but seriously, by the looks of it I'd have to say that it's a Failed Attachment Star.
Well Beachscanner...I can at least say WELCOME TO SWF......and I agree (choke choke) with 2quills.....I have no beach, lol, BUT have heard that you must be careful....also a lot of stars get wayyyyy too bug for our home aquariums
hope you can get the pic to work, so you can get some better answers


New Member
Alright folks, I got the photo's worked out. Again, they're not great, but hopefully they're enought. And thank you for the welcome.


I'm gonna say maybe its an Asterias rubens? Does it have a yellow disk and tube feet arranged into four rows on its underside?The more i look at it though it kinda looks like Asterias forbesi with an extra arm lol.


New Member
Well I don't have it. I don't own a tank, though I would love to. I just found it at the beach and was wondering what it was. I've looked for days and haven't found anything with its coloring.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to concur with TonySi..... the common Atlantic sea star, Asterias rubens. These are very common stars, whose habitat ranges from the shallow reef waters along the southern coasts to pale colored deep- and coldwater varieties up the northern atlantic coastline. They are considered opportunistic predators, and often feed on bivalves found in the substrate of the seabed, such as clams and mussels. I have no idea if they are coral safe (a cursory internet search didn't reveal much on the subject), but I would think 3 or 4 times about putting any wild-caught star in my tank.
Yes, I know you were just looking for the basic info and you don't have a tank - I was just saying that for the benefit of others.


New Member
Thank you very much for the info, and I've been mulling over the idea of eventually getting a tank, so the extra info was helpful. One can never have too much knowledge!