second story thread


Active Member
then chuck norris walks onto scene w/ the one bowl of soup to rule them all and says "hey wassup" then dies when a rubix cube slams into the back of his head


Sanjaya,and then it rained 15 years of Lucky Charms,Froot Loops,Golden Grahams,Fruity and regular cheerioes,Butterflyfish,plain oatmeal,coco-puffs,rice krisipies,and honeycomb! :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Seattle
The fish and reptiles weren't hurt 2
good thinkin: then for some reason it stopped after 5 or so minutes and happy bunnies ran onto the scene and wer shot


But it happened again but this time millions of hungry crocodilles,snakes,and sharks were falling down the sky,and 2 billion people were lost for obvious reasons.And it continued and continued until everyone on these forums were left alive.*Weird*


Active Member
then the mods said "we need a sacrifice to plz the gods!" and sharkboy pushed seattle out of the crowd and he was picked


Active Member
then the power short circuited when a papaya hit the generator and it blew up subsequently, leaving the world in utter darkness