second story thread


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
The makeings of a BEST recap from page one...
Once upon a time in Khazakstan. There isn't any pie or cheese cake. And a cow. So he left. Ironic it seems but, Empire Vader with cookies,....
I farted and licked a squirrel named Rocky who didn't want to kill Michael Jackson while chopping up sushi. Fearing lead poisioning and rabit monkeys from thailand would wash combs, suddenly Vader ate rrrriiiiiccccoooollllaaaa. So Mr. T sat.....
on a whoopie cushion. Sharkboy then laughed his @$$ off when flying rabid space monkeys from space played soccer and lost to firefish. Reich empire the king of redundancy and large proboscuses ate S.P.A.M. for a local cow charity. Hosted by you'rs truely chuck norris, who cried "I don't want to have dinner with Oprah cause she can't cook and smells like cabbages and half eaten jelly donuts".
narrator- then a knock on the door
It came from the black lagoon it was........yo momma. Hello! she said in her crackling wichty voice while carl the boligerant ham stuffed chuck norris in a tuna fish can.To prove aliens exist, but chuck norris roundhoused kicked Martha Stewart, who promptly towel lashed chuck to death with a tissue and mayo. POP Up popped Mr Potatoehead and mowed evry1 down w/ his SMG RPG combo. Than Ronaldinho scored a goal off the cross bar in the World soccer cup but he was actually playing real Football and lost the super bowl by going wide right. Then some1 farted and lit a cigarette and evrything exploded, but oprah made a left turn onto the road is on and saved the world from the aliens. Who geniticly enginered chuck norris to take a .50 cal out at the terrorists, and save the world from a cheese terrorist group and theyre waffle advisors/funders and their swiss bank accounts. When a robo waffle lightbulb cat lord....