seperate sump and refugium


I am running out of room in my sump (protein skimmer etc in it). I am looking at either putting in a 55g sump (mine now is about 30g), or keep the one I have and add another which will be the refugium.
I'm not sure a 55g would fit under my stand and really don't want to buy it and find that it doesn't fit.
I would keep the mechanical filtration in the original and the pump back to the tank in the original tank
In the refugium I would get about a 25g and drill the side put a bulkehead and pvc and drain it into the original sump.
I have to overflows (one would go into the refugium and the other into the main.
1. Can I place the refugium higher so that I don't I have to drill the original, I'll just plumb the pvc (drill/ bulkhead etc.) so that it dumps down into original sump.
2. Any pictures?


Originally Posted by azaintcold
AZAINTCOLD's tank diary
under this same forum
Sorry I tried but all of your pictures come up with an x on them. There are some peoples postings that I can't view for some reason.
Anybody else?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkvreef
1. Can I place the refugium higher so that I don't I have to drill the original, I'll just plumb the pvc (drill/ bulkhead etc.) so that it dumps down into original sump.
2. Any pictures?
Yes, that's what I did, only backwards. If you can, I would switch the tanks around though. It is much better for the water be skimmed first, before it enters your refugium. As long as one tank is higher than the other, you will have no problems.



Originally Posted by Hurt
Yes, that's what I did, only backwards. If you can, I would switch the tanks around though. It is much better for the water be skimmed first, before it enters your refugium. As long as one tank is higher than the other, you will have no problems.
How large are your tanks (sump/refugium/display)?
Thanks for the pics


Originally Posted by TurningTim
You could also tie them together with a HOB U-tube overflow......
I like that idea!
I would be worried about the different flow levels into the refugium verses the overflow.
I don't have my tank plumbed (it's just tubes, like from a hot tub).
So a flow valve isn't a possiblity at this point.


Originally Posted by TurningTim
As long as you match the fuge flow with the right size OF. There's no worries. Just place the inner OF box on the fuge side and have it drain in the sump tank. I did thid on one of my designs for a large tank and he didn't want to drill. I'll see if I can find the thread.
Here ya go. Its a 55 and 45 strapped together with a 600gph OF.......
Why can't I see any these pictures


Active Member
Don't know? I just tried the link and it works. Is it just time to load? There are a bunch of pics and its an old thread.
Heres one that I pulled out of the thread.


tropillis and turning tim I'm fairly unknowledgable but from what I've heard both of your sumps/refugiums seem rather high (as in for a power outage)?

I only say this because I've been trying to decide what size tank to get for my fuge.
Thanks for the pictures though!


Active Member
I don't understand what you've "heard"? But if you look at the pics the fuge is usually almost total tank volume and the sump has room for backwash. Its very simple math to calc what you need for backwash. As far as I know (I think someone would tell me) Nobody has ever had a flood with my design.
I your situation by having the fuge higher then the sump you will need all backwash room in the sump. If the tanks are level (drilled or not) you will can take some room out of the fuge.
When you lose power how much water comes out of you DT in inches?
Is this tank drilled or Over The top Returns (OTT)? What size is the DT L x W x D?
Give me the numbers and I'll work you through them.....


Originally Posted by TurningTim
bkv, here a link to my 120 build thread I did some calc's for a tank I'm building and should give you a good idea on how to calc backwash. Second page about half way down......
I did some calculations and if I had a 55g sump under my 100g I could have a max height of about 16.75 inches.
What would happen if I had the level only at 15 inches (basically below the max height), assuming that I had enough water to keep the level at 16 inches?
I'm saying this as it would help me with evaporation, but would it affect the bubble trap, etc.?


Active Member
I think you would be good. I always like to under estimate b/c you can always add water but you can't redo the baffles. Now is the straight across? B/c you can move the volume around so the fuge is higher and the sump is lower. I always try and keep the fuge on the high side (maybe an 1.5" below top of tank) and then adjust the sump volume.
The big question is can you get the 55 under the stand? Not that it will just fit but actually get it in there. Cross braces on the stand are tough sometimes......