Setting up a 10 gallon nano


The boyfriend and I have had a 29 gallon tank up and running for about 3 months or so. We always have a new project when it comes to that tank.....right now we are working on building our own sump/fuge. Although I love helping him out on the tank, it is ultimately his project. Now I want my own!!
I just acquired a 10 gallon tank (20" L x 10" W x 12" H). My ultimate goal is to turn this empty piece of glass into a beautiful nano tank. I would like to have a fish or two and not have any limitations in the corals I will eventually add.
My biggest questions for now are on lighting and filters for this tank. Our 29 gallon has a Coralife Dual Compact Fluorescent w/ LED moonlights. I know that if we wanted anemones in that 29 gallon tank, we would need the stronger halide lighting. For my 10 gallon, would I need to go with the halide lighting, or would I be ok with other lighting? What do people suggest for lighting/brands? Also, our apartment is very dry and we find ourselves constantly having to add fresh RO water to the 29 gallon. Should I look for some kind of hood/light to help keep evaporation to a minimum? I know that it is even more crucial with a smaller tank!
What kind of filter would be needed for this size/type of tank? Will I need a skimmer? I would like to keep the filter as compact and unobtrusive as possible, while still maximizing my filtering capabilities. I plan on having LR and LS in the tank. From some reading that I have done, I noticed that many people suggest just getting rid of the filter material and just use live LR frags in the filter chamber.
Other questions:
1. On the LS for my substrate, what kind of depth do people suggest for a tank this size?
2. What should I go with for heating?
3. Would I be best going with a powerhead (we have an assortment of sizes laying around), or is there a good filter that has a return allowing adequate water movement?
3. Any suggestions on fish/corals for this size tank? I want a lot of color and texture.
I am aware that I have to be careful about what to pair together and can’t try to add too many things at once. Before adding anything, I will be sure to let the tank cycle and will wait for my water conditions/levels to be met. We currently have testing for pH, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, calcium, phosphate, alkalinity, and S.G. (using refractometer). Is there anything else I should test for?
Is there anything else that I haven’t asked about or that I may be overlooking? Any comments, suggestions, thread links, etc. are welcome!

bang guy

I'd suggest just 1/2" of live sand. It'll be healthier for a nano.
I put 3 18" VHOs (total of 90 watts) over a 10 and it worked out very well.
A small hang-on skimmer will help maintain water quality between water changes.

bang guy

For corals mine has mostly Montipora. There's also Candycane, Frogspawn, Mushrooms, Ricordea yuma and some Zoanthids.
For fish I had a pair of baby Ocellaris Clownfish. I'd recommend the smaller A. percula instead though.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
For fish I had a pair of baby Ocellaris Clownfish. I'd recommend the smaller A. percula instead though.
Are there any other good fish for a nano? We already have a pair of clowns in the 29 gallon, and I was thinking of trying to put something different in this tank.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I put 3 18" VHOs (total of 90 watts) over a 10 and it worked out very well.
what sort of fixture would she need for this?

bang guy

Originally Posted by cj7eagle
what sort of fixture would she need for this?
It would have to be DIY. Mine was a piece of white plastic curved to fit over the tank, endcaps and an IceCap660 ballast.


bang guy

Originally Posted by feathers212
Are there any other good fish for a nano? We already have a pair of clowns in the 29 gallon, and I was thinking of trying to put something different in this tank.
You need docile fish that stay small. Clown Goby, Neon Goby, Barnacle Blenny, Jawfish, etc.
A Goby/Pistol shrimp pair would be really cool IMO. Perhaps a Hi-Fin or a mated pair and a Tiger Pistol.


I have a 10 ga tank with 96 watts of pc. I've had a rbta that has been doing fine and looks a lot redder than the rbta I have in my 45 with Phoenix 14K's (less red) but noticeable difference.
If I had to do it over and did not want to go with a DIY lighting. I would definetly go with T5's. A Nova extreme fixture. It has moonlights and gives you the dawn/dusk effect and lighting is better than power compacts, close to MH's (or at least I've heard).

bang guy

Originally Posted by cj7eagle
other than a small skimmer, any reccomendations for filtering?
The live sand and a lot of waterflow will be all the filtration you need.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
The live sand and a lot of waterflow will be all the filtration you need.
would a maxijet 900 (230gph) be too much flow?
The only skimmer i can find is Fission nano skimmer, but doing a search of these forums, it doesnt make many people happy. are there any other options?

bang guy

I built my own so I'm not familiar with commercial skimmers. All I can suggest is to do a search in this forum.
I use two Rio 50's on mine so that was about 140gph and it seemed adequate for the LPS. The SPS probably would have benefitted from more waterflow. 230 sounds good if you can distribute the flow throughout the tank.


First of all, thanks for all the comments to myand cj7eagle's comments!
Here are my plans for tomorrow's purchases at our LFS:
1. 8 lbs of live sand for ~1 inch sand bed
2. 15-20 pounds of live rock
3. Aqua Clear 50 or 70 filter - I will be using either established bio-stars from our tank or some LR frags to add additional filtration media
4. Coralife 96W Doulbe Linear Compact Fluorescent - will add LED moonlights as needed
5. Heater
I will also be putting one of our MaxiJet 900 powerheads in the tank for water movement.
Am I missing anything vital for my immediate purchasing? Like I said before, I really want to take my time and do things right with this tank!


Like I posted before, I run the 96w fixture, I definetly like it BUT I would recommend you going with the 24" Nova cost about $150 but I've heard of people keeping sps corals and even heard of people keeping clams. Won't be able to that with 96 of pc's.
Eventually you might want to keep a frag of sps and then you might regret not going with better lighting.....IMO.


After yesterday's shopping trip, I ended up with the following:
  • 10 lbs Fiji Live Rock
    • 7 lbs Agra-Alive Reef Sand

    • Will be adding a few more pounds (would like about 1 inch sandbed)
      • Visi-Therm 25 watt heater
      Current's Orbit 1020 Light Fixture

    • 1x40 watt dual daylight, 1x40 watt dual actinic, and 1 lunar white moonlight
      I have decided for now that I will wait on anemonies and clams until I have more experience and an established tank (we are moving at the end of July anyways)
      Actinics on from 8AM to 8PM
      Daylights on from 10AM to 6PM
      Moonlights on from 8PM to 8AM
      Is this a good lighting schedule? Can I move everything by two hours so that I can enjoy seeing the tank in the evening when I get home from work, say from 10AM to 10PM for the actinics and everthing else accordingly?
    Red Sea Berlin Airlift 60 Internal Protein Skimmer

  • My biggest problem is with the Berlin Airlift skimmer right now. The skimmer has to be inside of the tank. I didn't previously consider that the collection chamber would be in the way of my lights. Currently, my lighting system has to be moved to the very front of the tank (I only have 10 inches in tank width to play with) and both the chamber and the light casing are touching. Although I have yet to determine if I like the skimming ability of the Airlift, I am not at all happy with how it is in the tank and messing with my lights.
    I have a limited amount of space to play with. I am strongly considering ditching the Airlift for something that fits with my setup. Any suggestions on a skimmer that hangs on the back of the tank?
    Bang you have instructions on how to build your own?
Right now I have one of our Maxi-Jet 900's in the tank to keep up movement. Will this 230 gph movement be too much for my 10 gallons? The water flow appears to be hitting my heater where the flow is directed towards the bottom of the tank and is pushing all of the sand out of the way. What kind of flow would be suited for my tank?
As for corals, so far I am thinking mushrooms (I like so many of them, especially the ricordea) and zoos to start, and later some brain corals, tongue coral, sun coral, and the coco worm if I can get away with them among other things that may catch my eye! In what order should I think about adding things?
Still not sure about the fish yet. I may actually go with a pair of clowns just because I love our other two. They have such great personality and always swim right in front of my face when I am looking in the 29 gallon tank.....although they are very camera shy :thinking: Would be able to put other critters in the tank still? I really like the skunk cleaner shrimp in the 29, but again, don't want to copy EVERYTHING from our larger tank. More suggestions are welcome!