Setup? Conflicting Info!!!


New Member
I have had 2 stores tell me to wait to put any livestock for at least 2-4 weeks. Of course after all the cycling is over. But the book "The Conscientous Marine Aquarist" recommends putting blennies or damsels in after only a few days, to help the cycling process. Which should I do?
Also, where can I find a compatibilty book or website so that I know which fish go well together? The book I have is not very good at that.
Also, when should I start putting the "clean up crew" in?
I know I will have many other questions but this is a good start.


If your cycle is complete you can go ahead and your clean up crew. After a week of the clean up crew being in the tank go ahead and add one fish. Wait one week or two in between adding fish after that.


From what I have gathered, this book and many others were written during a time when it was widely accepted to use damsels to cycle the tank. Now it is generally discouraged although many LFS, mine included will recommend this.


Active Member
Marine fishes , A Pocket Expert Guide by Scott W. Michael.Great book for fish, gives picture and loads of info on over 500 fish. Gives origin, desription,diet and care, reef and other fish copatability. Good luck with new tank


Active Member
Most people recommend cycling with a piece of raw shrimp. Plus, if you get damsels you'll have a terrible time trying to get them out, and they are MEAN.


Its become a cliche on this site to suggest a Fenner book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" Its undeniably an excellent book, but I am sure must be some others come out since it was published about 5-6 years ago. Suggestions anybody please. (apart of misfit).
I would wait at least 4 weeks after cycling finished to add any fish, does not matter how hardy they are.
"Evil damsels reputation" is rightly warranted, lol. However if you get yellow tailed damsels, they seem to be one of the peaceful kinds. (between other damsels that is)


New Member
Got it, negative on the damsels. I have 58 pounds of LR in my 55 gallon tank so I heard I may not even need raw shrimp or fish to help cycle. So I think I am good with that.
About how many small fish can I generally put in a 55 gallon tank? We are not trying to cram as many as possible but am just interested.
Here is what I am thinking for our fish:
Flame Angelfish
Blenny (of some sort)
Bi-Color Dottyback
Banggai Cardinal
Firefish Goby
Six Line Wrasse
Fiji Puffer
I realize this will take a while to eventually get all the fish in the tank but what do you think of the compatibility of these fish?
Thanks for all your help


My tank just finished cycling and I was gonna add some snails and maybe a cleaner shrimp but is there enough food in the tank for them to eat? I dont have my QT set up yet but I want to start adding fish. Any suggestions on what to add before my QT is up?
Ricky, I put 4-5 cocktail shrimp in a ziploc bag and poked holes in it. I thru that in my tank and it started the cycle. It took about 2 weeks before I saw any spikes and then I took them out.
I didnt like the "Conscientous Marine." I really liked "Saltwater Fish for Dummies." It was in basic language and didnt have all the unnessasary info. I know most people love the Conscientous Marine book but I was looking for good info in an easy format.


New Member
I found that the book seems to be lacking in so many areas yet gives useless info all over the book, or at least useless to the beginner. I will try the shrimp.

bang guy

I recommend against the Shrimp.
I recommend a pinch of fish food every day to feed the bacteria and prepare the environment for a fish.