Sex of a Maroon stripe Clown fish?

bang guy

By the company it keeps. If it's alone & and adult it's female. If it's with a mate and it's smaller then it's male. If it's with a group (rare) and it's smaller than the male then it's neither male nor female.
All clowns begin life non-gendered. A dominant Clown will become female and the next dominant will be the male. If the Female is removed then the male will become female and the next in line will become male.
It's extremely rare for a group of Maroons to live as a group. Normally the dominant female will kill all but the male and sometimes will even kill the male.


Also you will notice the damaged fin on his back. He has in the last 2 days completely repaired that fin. AMAZING!



Originally posted by J_G
So now for my big question. How can I pair up my clown?

just get another maroon clown. soo they will start to do what looks like a seizure on the wall. maybe a few months later one of them will become a female and they will mate.



Originally posted by J_G
Also you will notice the damaged fin on his back. He has in the last 2 days completely repaired that fin. AMAZING!

really? his fin looks split in both pix. idk wat u think is healed.



Originally posted by Matti070
really? his fin looks split in both pix. idk wat u think is healed.

I dont have a recent pic in the last day of him. But it isnt split at all anymore. Perfectly healed.


I have a piar that breeds. It is a lot of fun. I had the female for a year or so and added a smaller one. After she nearly killed him, he disappeared for about a month. I assumed that he had died, but he popped out agian a little bigger and they have gotten along ever since. They did not start breeded until recently, which is after they have been together for a couple of years. They use a colt as a host. The male sometimes sits in "his" smaller colt.


Active Member

Originally posted by J_G
This is my Maroon clown. Any ideas on Gender?

Bang guy gave a great response, it is most likely a female or on its way. Are the tang and clown in the 20 gall? If so, that is too small for the tang. Any other fish in there with them? Anyways to pair the clown up, you can add a smaller one, but IMO---if
the original has established its territory, dont try it. AND if
your tang is in the 20 gall, get it out to a bigger tank/return and then try a second clown if it's possible (not established).