sfe or zebra!!!? cant decide!



I voted for the Zebra because I have one, and love watching her come out and nose around. Blind as a bat, but can sniff out a small piece of food from across the tank. She shows no aggression toward any tank mates, I have seen my puffer and my Zebra lay on one another as if the were twins napping. On the other hand I saw a snowflake at the LFS that someone brought back that supposedly killed a tank full of fish, including a good sized lionfish. Luck of the draw I guess.


my zebra doesn't look like that!!! mine has a longer nose did I get something other than a zebra???


Originally Posted by reel1in
my zebra doesn't look like that!!! mine has a longer nose did I get something other than a zebra???
Does it have the same type of stripes? There are some banded and snake eels I've seen being sold as zebras.


ok well i thought i would post what i plan on putting in there with the zebra....
in a 140 gal
1 convict tang
1 niger trigger
1 emp angel
1 zebra
1 blue spot puffer


Is this a 6' tank? Those tankmates would work fine. I recommend adding the emp angel and trigger last. They are the more aggressive of the tankmates you have.


I vote for the SFE... I found one a couple of months ago and he is really a character. He started eating right away and when is getting hungry comes out and swims all over the tank to let me know. He even swims out completely from his little cave into "open water" to catch the food from the feeding stick. Very interesting eel.


anybody have any other suggestions for a different tang,? i was thinking maybe an achilles?
and how about a different trigger?? i was thinking maybe... clown or picasso?


Originally Posted by treybom
anybody have any other suggestions for a different tang,? i was thinking maybe an achilles?
and how about a different trigger?? i was thinking maybe... clown or picasso?
Avoid the Achilles. Very difficult fish to keep. Good community triggers are nigers, pink tails, sargassum, blue throat, picasso, lei triggers. The clown is very attractive, but very unpredictable.
Good tangs are yellows, purple, kole, blue hippo, convict. Just to name a few. Any particular colors you want?
It's hard to tell you what a good order of intro to the tank would be until you pick the exact fish you want.


what do u think? picasso or niger?
and ill narrow tangs down to...... well im definitely going with the convict!