Only the 120g (mostly fish with a few corals) + QT is mine. Whoever happens to be using the QT is responsible for it at that moment. Hubbie has 56g (mostly corals with 2 "normal" fish and 2 pipefish) and 29g biocube (which we are sharing for QT of corals for the moment), and he has a 5g fw tank with a beta on his nightstand. Kids have tanks in their rooms. Son has one freshwater. Daughter has a 30g tall fresh, 5g with an indian dwarf puffer, and most recently her 29g biocube set up specifically for her rescued blind fish, one shrimp, and some corals. I am only responsible for the 120, QT when I am using it, and feeding childrens tank every other weekend when they at their dads (honestly Keifers does that half the time). If they don't take care of them, they are gone. Hubblie is obsessive with his, so I stay out of that. lol I'm so glad he loves this hobby cause my ex hated it.
Our living area is where the two main saltwater tanks are. I enjoy have them both, they are very different. We both enjoy each others tanks but also enjoy having the freedom to do what we wish with our own tanks. We give each other ideas and stay out of the others tank unless asked--although hubbie is better at that then I am. He goes to work and sometimes I think his fish need a snack when I'm feeding my tank--not sure he appreciates that so much.
Haha--I just realized he is responding to you the same time I am, will our responses match????
The pictures I have seen of your tank are beautiful. I'm betting you could make your frag 65g beautiful too if you wanted to